Update of the list of registration objects in the Suitable Infrastructure Information System (SIIS) - public consultation

On 9 August 2018, ANACOM approved a draft decision updating the list of registration objects and their characteristics, to be made available in the Suitable Infrastructure Information System (SIIS). Notice of this draft decision was published on 27 August 2018 in Series II of Diário da República (Official Journal) no. 164/2018 - Notice no. 12218/2018https://www.anacom.pt/render.jsp?contentId=1459758.

Updating of the list of registration objects and their characteristics, to be made available in the Suitable Infrastructure Information System (SIIS)

In summary, this draft decision:

  • updates the total set of registration objects which, due to the legislative amendment advanced by Decree-Law no. 92/2017 of 31 Julyhttps://www.anacom.pt/render.jsp?contentId=1418606, are covered by the concept of suitable infrastructure and must therefore be included in the registers to be made available in the SIIS, in addition to those identified in points 1 and 3 of ANACOM's decision on the Centralised Information System - registration objects, conditions and format of information, approved on 11 November 2010https://www.anacom.pt/render.jsp?contentId=1062883;
  • specifies the characteristics of the registration objects now added and their definition, also amending some of those previously defined, enabling their uniform insertion in the SIIS;
  • updates, in accordance with the amendments made, the table of characteristics of registration objects contained in point 3 of the ANACOM decision mentioned in the previous point, taking advantage of the opportunity to provide the new table with a clearer legend.

At the same time, ANACOM further determined that, in compliance with paragraph 3 of article 24 of Decree-Law no. 123/2009 of 21 Mayhttps://www.anacom.pt/render.jsp?contentId=975261, bodies referred in article 2 of the same law are required to update the information entered in the system, in accordance with the provisions of this draft decision and within 90 working days following implementation of the functional changes in SIIS which enable compliance with the obligations to update the information.

It was decided to submit the draft decision to the prior hearing of the interested parties, as well as to the general consultation procedure, in accordance with the provisions of point d) of paragraph 1 of article 124 of Código do Procedimento Administrativo (Administrative Proceeding Code) and for the purposes of Decree-Law no. 123/2009 of 21 May.

Interested parties are given a period of 20 working days, from the date of publication in Diário da República (Official Journal), to express their views. The comments (in writing and in Portuguese) should therefore be sent, no later than 24 September 2018, by email to deliberacao.siia@anacom.ptmailto:deliberacao.siia@anacom.pt1.

Once the consultation process has been concluded, the contributions received will be made public. Therefore, for the purposes of publication on this website, interested parties should also submit a non-confidential version of their responses excluding any items considered confidential.

1 Each email may contain one or more files as long as the total size of all files does not exceed 10 megabytes and, if necessary, comments may be divided into two or more emails.
