Universal Service Compensation Fund - ANACOM exempts MEO from remitting contribution to the fund in respect of 2017

By decision of 31 January 2019, ANACOM has granted MEO - Serviços de Comunicações e Multimédia (MEO) a waiver from the requirement to remit payment of its contribution in respect of the Net Costs of Universal Service (NCUS) of 2017 to the Universal Service Compensation Fund. The waiver is based on the fact that the value of this contribution is exceeded by the value of compensation that the company is entitled to receive as provider of the universal service of public pay-telephones and of a comprehensive telephone directory and a comprehensive directory enquiries service.

It is recalled that, by decision of 17 January 2019https://www.anacom.pt/render.jsp?contentId=1467710, identifying the undertakings required to contribute to the electronic communications Universal Service Compensation Fund and determining the amount of contributions payable in respect of the NCUS to be compensated in respect of 2017, MEO was designated as an undertaking bound to contribute to the compensation fund, whereas, as universal service provider, it is entitled to remuneration in respect of its provision.

Given these conditions, it was decided to grant the request put by MEO, on 24 January 2019, to be exempted from remitting the value of its contribution to the Universal Service Compensation Fund in respect of the NCUS 2017.
