Consultation on the provision of the universal postal service

CTT - Correios de Portugal (CTT) is the universal postal service provider on national territory, up to 31 December 2020.

Pursuant to the Postal Law, from that date onwards the universal postal service may be provided through one of the following mechanisms:

a) Efficient market operation, under an individual license arrangement.

b) Designation of one or more postal service providers for providing different elements of the universal postal service or for coverage of different parts of the national territory. In this case, the designation would take the form of a concession contract, with the procedures established in the Public Procurement Code (CCP) being applicable.

The Government asked ANACOM to promote the launch of a public consultation on the universal postal service, and to prepare a final report summarising the received positions. 

Thus, and pursuant to its duties and powers as a regulatory authority and assistant of the Government, through this public consultation, ANACOM aims to gather contributions by the sector and society in general, in particular on the terms and conditions that should be associated to the provision of the universal postal service, their specifications, the need to proceed with the designation of universal service providers for its different components, and the interest of the postal service providers in rendering this service.

This public consultation includes matters entrusted to the Government (e.g. the need to designate universal service providers and respective designation procedure) and ANACOM (e.g. specification of service quality obligations and price formation criteria), which is why this is a joint public consultation.

Stakeholders may comment within the period of 20 business days, counting from the present publication, i.e. up to 24 December 2019. Contributions may be sent, in writing and in the Portuguese language, preferably, to the email address

It should be noted that the outcomes of this consultation are not binding to the Government or ANACOM in relation to future decisions endorsed on the issues addressed throughout the document.

Once the consultation process is completed, the contributions that were received will be disclosed to the public; therefore, stakeholders should also send an expurgated version of their contribution, eliminating elements considered confidential for purposes of publication.
