ANACOM visits Consumer Conflict Arbitration Centres

Pursuant to ANACOM's mission to promote the protection of consumer rights and interests through support to the out of court settlement of consumer conflicts assured at consumer conflict arbitration centres, Paula Meira Lourenço (Member of the Board of Directors of ANACOM), Maria Corte-Real and Teresa Félix (ANACOM's Information and Consumers Department), started a series of visits to the premises of these centres and the holding of training actions on topics related to electronic communications and postal services, which fall under the scope of the cooperation protocols signed in July 2019 between ANACOM and the consumer conflict arbitration centres, that involve training and a financial contribution by ANACOM.

This initiative started on 3 December at Consumer Conflict Arbitration Centre (Centro de Arbitragem de Conflitos de Consumo) of Lisbon - CACCL), and continued on 4 December, at 3 arbitration centres: TRIAVE - Consumer Conflict Arbitration Centre (Centro de Arbitragem de Conflitos de Consumo) of Ave, Tâmega and Sousa (Guimarães); CIAB - Centre for Information, Mediation and Arbitration of Consumer Conflicts (Centro de Informação, Mediação e Arbitragem de Conflitos de Consumo); and CNIACC - National Centre for Consumer Conflict Information and Arbitration (Centro Nacional de Informação e Arbitragem de Conflitos de Consumo) of Braga.

Thus, from tomorrow onwards there will be visits to and training sessions at the arbitration centres of Porto (6 December), Faro (9 December) and Coimbra (12 December). In total, training will be ministered to 34 trainees, completing ANACOM's annual training programme for 2019, with elements collected for the preparation of the training plan for 2020. The training sessions were ministered by ANACOM and involved the presence of Miguel Oliveira and Daniela Marques of the Board of Directors of TRIAVE and Altino Bessa, Chairman of the Board of Directors of CIAB (Consumer Arbitration Court), as well as a presentation of the activity of arbitration centres by Isabel Mendes Cabeçadas, Director of CACCL, Pedro Pires de Sousa, Director of TRIAVE, and Fernando Viana, Chairman of the Board of Directors of CNIACC and Executive Director of CIAB. The aim having been to exchange experiences on matters of consumer protection and stimulate cooperation between the consumer conflict centres and ANACOM. TRIAVE and CIAB are the consumer conflict settlement centres with the highest amount of cases relative to electronic communications services. According to Paula Meira Lourenço, Director at ANACOM, “the training actions dedicated to topics related to electronic communications and postal services, enabling a fruitful exchange of experiences and knowledge between ANACOM and the arbitration centres, constitute a pillar of undisputable relevance in the protection of consumer rights and interests, which is why this will be one of the key objectives in ANACOM's support to the consumer conflict arbitration centres”.

ANACOM and CACCL managers responsible for the training action

ANACOM and CACCL managers responsible for the training action

ANACOM and TRIAVE managers responsible for the training action

ANACOM and TRIAVE managers responsible for the training action

ANACOM, CIAB and CNIACC managers responsible for the training action

ANACOM, CIAB and CNIACC managers responsible for the training action