ERGP plenary meeting - November 2019

The ERGP plenary meeting was held last 29 November in the Hague, chaired by ANACOM, which holds the presidency in 2019. The meeting focused on approval of the 2019 ERGP working programme and respective public consultation document. The following documents were also approved: report from the public consultation on the ERGP’s medium-term strategy for 2020-2022, report on good cross-subsidy practices in the postal sector, report on quality of service, consumer protection and complaint handing in 2018, and report on key postal sector indicators.

The head of Poland’s Office of Electronic Communications (UKE) was elected chair of the ERGP for 2021 at this meeting.

The plenary meeting was preceded on 28 November by a public workshop on “Data-driven regulation of postal markets”. More than 170 participants discussed which indicators and what information is needed to regulate the postal market and how to ensure more data comparability. A first assessment was also made of information being gathered in the scope of the regulation on cross-border parcel delivery services.