Revision of CAM circuit and inter-island circuit prices 2019

On 13 February 2020, ANACOM approved the decision on the revision of the prices of the circuits connecting Mainland Portugal and the Autonomous Regions of Azores and Madeira (CAM circuits) and the prices of the circuits connecting the different islands of the Azores (inter-island circuits), using submarine cables owned by MEO - Serviços de Comunicação e Multimédia (MEO), under the leased lines reference offer (LLRO) and the Ethernet leased lines offer (RELLO).

Following the analysis carried out and as a result of the measures determined as part of ANACOM's analysis of market 4, ANACOM decided that MEO should:

  • Maintain the prices of traditional circuits, within the framework of the LLRO regulated offer.
  • Reduce (maximum) prices of CAM circuits by 10% and inter-island circuits by 6%, within the framework of the RELLO regulated offer. The new prices shall enter into force on the date on which approval was given to the draft decision, i.e. 17 October 2019, which preceded the present decision.
