Ofcom new regulator for the United Kingdom

The Office of Communications (Ofcom) became on 29 December 2003 the new regulatory body for communications in the United Kingdom, with responsibilities on television, radio and telecommunications areas.

Until that date, the regulation of communications was overseen by the Office of Telecommunications (Oftel), the Radio Authority, the Radiocommunications Agency (RA), the Broadcasting Standards Commission and the Independent Television Commission (ITC), which have now been brought together in Ofcom. The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) and the Postal Services Commission (POSTCOMM) remain separate, and respectively oversee commerce and industry, and postal services.

Ofcom's main mission is to foster competition, plurality, informed citizenship and cultural diversity, to serve the interests of citizens/consumers, support innovation and investment in these areas and to encourage the evolution of electronic media and communications networks for the benefit of all.

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