GEE-ANACOM Prize - conference postponed

Health is a priority for the Strategy and Studies Office (GEE), for ANACOM, for the National Innovation Agency and for the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra, and as such we have been carefully following the evolution of the worldwide coronavirus outbreak (Covid-19).

In this regard, the Directorate-General for Health has recommended that only strictly necessary public events take place and that there be an assessment of the risk and the importance of the holding of such events, taking into account, among other factors, the size of the event and the geographical diversity of the participants.

We believe that there are no reasons for alarmism, but we are aware that we have an obligation to contribute to efforts to contain the epidemic, by acting in a preventative manner.

Therefore, in view of the latest developments and acting with thoughtfulness and responsibility, we have decided to postpone the holding of the conference on ''Digitization in the Economy'', which was scheduled for 16 March 2020 at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra, and we regret any inconvenience caused.

The conference will take place on a date that we will announce in due course.