MEO's cost of capital rate applicable to the 2020 financial year - public consultation

On 22 October 2020, ANACOM approved the draft decision (DD) on the cost of capital rate for MEO – Serviços de Comunicações e Multimédia, applicable to the 2020 financial year.

Note that, by decision of 17 April 2020, ANACOM decided to suspend work on establishing the cost-of-capital rate for regulatory purposes to be considered in the 2020 analytical accounting system of MEO, until such time as there is greater clarity regarding the results of the work of the European Commission (EC) and the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC), taking into account the EC note of 6 November 2019, titled ''Commission Notice on the calculation of the cost of capital for legacy infrastructure in the context of the Commission’s review of national notifications in the EU electronic communications sector'', notwithstanding the fact that this situation may be reassessed with effect from 30 June 2020.

After analysing and weighing up the Commission’s communication and the results of BEREC’s work, ANACOM believes that, in the context of the 2020 results of the analytical accounting system of MEO, the cost-of-capital rate applicable to the 2020 financial year should be 7.1077%.

It was also decided to submit this DD to a prior hearing of interested parties and general consultation procedure, in both cases setting a deadline of 20 working days for interested parties to comment. The receiving of comments, under the public consultation, ends on 23 November 2020, and these comments should preferably be sent by email to the address following address – consulta.ccapital.meo2020@anacom.pt1, in writing and in Portuguese.

Once the consultation process is completed, the contributions that were received will be disclosed to the public; therefore, stakeholders should also send an expurgated version, eliminating elements considered confidential for purposes of publication on this website.

1 Each email may contain one or more files as long as the total size of all files does not exceed 20 MiB. If necessary, comments may be divided into two or more emails.
