UPAEP seminar on regulation in Lisbon

From 27 to 29 January, Lisbon hosted the seminar on regulation and universal postal service of the Postal Union of the Americas, Spain and Portugal (UPAEP).

This seminar, organised by UPAEP, Universal Postal Union (UPU) and ICP-ANACOM, gathered representatives from the regulators of UPAEP member countries as well as representatives from UPU and the European Commission, that discussed  issues such as the global vision on the postal sector regulation, the governments obligations, regulators and operators within the universal postal service and future perspectives on these issues.

The organisation of this seminar falls within the UPAEP objectives, which mission also consists in improving its member states postal services, promoting exchange of experiences and practicing of coordinating actions between postal bodies and implementing international cooperation initiatives, acting always with the aim of encouraging postal interchange, both at national and international level, ensuring safety, regularity, fastness and economy standards.

UPAEP is an intergovernmental organisation comprising at present 27 States, with head-office in Montevideo, Eastern Republic of Uruguay. Portugal joined the Union in 1990.


