Regulation no 1028/2021, published on 29 December

Autoridade Nacional de Comunicações


(This is not an official translation of the law)

Regulation on subassignment of E.164 numbers of the National Numbering Plan

Under the provisions set out in Articles 19 and 21 of Law no 5/2004, of 10 February, in its current wording (Electronic Communications Law), the provision of electronic communication networks and services in Portugal is free and only subject to the general authorisation regime, and may be based on the use of numbering resources.

Under the provisions of paragraphs b) and c) of Article 17 (2) of the Electronic Communications Law, ANACOM is responsible for managing the National Numbering Plan, following the principles of transparency, efficacy, equality and non-discrimination, including the definition of the conditions for the assignment and usage of the national numbering resources, as well as assigning the numbering resources in line with objective, transparent and non-discriminatory objectives.

As set out in Article 19 (3) and Article 36 (1 and 2), both of the Electronic Communications Law, the use of the numbers depends, in all cases, on the assignment by ANACOM of the rights of use these numbers, upon request by the interested parties. These rights may be assigned either to the companies that provide electronic communication networks and services, or to companies that use these networks and services, under the terms of the applicable legislation.

Notwithstanding the general conditions applicable to the provision of electronic communication networks and services, under the terms set out in the general law and Article 27 (1) of the Electronic Communications Law, the number usage rights can only be subject to the conditions outlined in Article 37 of this law, which aim to ensure the effective and efficient use of the numbers or their portability.

Currently, the assignment and usage of the numbering resources are also subject to the principles and criteria for management and assignment of numbering resources, approved by ANACOM, by decision of 2 June 1999.

In exercising its powers, namely, within the scope of maintaining the registry of companies that provide electronic communication networks and services, ANACOM has become aware of the intention of several companies to offer electronic communications services, through agreement, on the networks and services supplied by other companies, and who also intend to use, for this purpose, the numbers whose usage rights are – and remain – under the ownership of these other companies.

In general, these companies would present themselves to their customers as the service providers, and shall be responsible for its quality, whereby the customers have no contractual relationship with the companies whose networks and services underpin this service provision and which are the holders of the usage rights of the numbers in question.

This business model would allow companies that use subassigned numbers in the retail offer of their services to cut the costs of market entry, and especially the costs associated with the use of numbers, which makes it especially suitable for smaller-scale companies or companies that operate in market niches.

Simultaneously, given the interest also expressed to ANACOM by some companies in this type of wholesale offer, this business model could also create new opportunities for companies that intend to provide electronic communication networks and services as a wholesaler based on numbers, thus ensuring a (more) efficient use of the numbering resources that are assigned to them.

In this background and considering that:

a) these business models do not comply with the current principles and criteria for the assignment of numbering resources, whereby ANACOM only defines the primary assignment of rights of use numbers for companies that provide the service, and the secondary assignment, by the same companies that hold these rights, to the end users of their services;

b) the holding of rights of number usage, through compliance with the conditions that are attached to them, may be an inappropriate cost in some business models and a potential barrier to companies entering the market;

c) under the provisions of paragraph a) of no. 1 and paragraph d) of no. 2, both of Article 5 of the Electronic Communications Law, one of ANACOM’s electronic communications objectives is to encourage competition in the provision of electronic networks and electronic communications services, within the scope of which includes incentives for the effective use of the numbering resources and ensure their efficient management;

d) under the provisions of Article 5 (6) of the Electronic Communications Law, ANACOM must adopt all the reasonable and proportionally necessary measures to guarantee that any company can supply electronic communications services;

e) numbering, which is a public resource that ANACOM is responsible for, must not, in itself, comprise an obstacle to the provision of electronic communications services in equal conditions, notwithstanding the rights and commitments of the parties involved and the dissemination of information to defend the subscribers and end users; and

f) the subassignment of numbers is permitted and regulated in several member states of the European Union,

ANACOM believes it should allow the subassignment of E.164 numbers of the National Numbering Plan, defining for this purpose the conditions applicable both to the subassignment and the use of the subassigned numbers, encouraging and ensuring, in both cases, an effective and efficient use of the numbering resources.

In this context and by decision of 24 June 2021, the regulation on the subassignment of E.164 numbers from the National Numbering Plan was approved and submitted for public consultation. After publication of this project in the 2nd series of the Diário da República, on 14 July 2021, and after an extension of the deadline by 5 working days, the public consultation took place until 1 September 2021, with 9 comments having been received, which were duly considered in the approval of this regulation. The respective appraisal of the report that underpins ANACOM’s options is published on this Authority’s website, together with the comments received in full.

Therefore, this regulation rules that numbers may be subassigned and outlines the conditions to do so, also stipulating that the subassignment beneficiaries can only proceed with secondary assignment of the subassigned numbers, and that subsequent subassignment is forbidden.

In turn, with respect to the use of subassigned numbers, the responsibilities of the holders of the number usage rights and the subassignment beneficiaries are clarified, especially with regard to portability, also setting forth a number migration regime, which if the wholesale offer cease allows the beneficiaries’ offer to continue and the continuity of the service provided to the end users.

These rules not only pave the way for increased competition in the provision of electronic communication networks and services, and the freedom of choice for consumers, but they also make the regime applicable to companies that provide networks and services on E.164 numbers of the National Numbering Plan more transparent.

In this background, it is important to note that ANACOM believes that the option adopted in this regulation is more advantageous for the market when compared to the alternatives, especially the primary assignment of smaller numbering blocks, which in itself will be unlikely to limit some of the obstacles to entry into the market, especially obstacles deriving from the charges associated from the interconnection, opening of ranges and portability.

Furthermore, it is also noteworthy that this regulation only intends to clearly define the rules applicable to the subassignment as requested by companies that intend to develop new business models, without forcing the hand of companies that hold the number usage rights, who remain free to provide or not to provide wholesale solutions that include the subassignment of numbers.

The subassignment of numbers, as mapped out in this regulation, is also a proportional measure, insofar as the benefits it brings for the electronic communications sector, both as regards retail supply, and wholesale supply, and also the potential positive effects as regards competition, far outweigh any costs for companies, namely with regard to reporting information to ANACOM and the management and usage of the assigned and subassigned numbers.

In any event, the business of providing electronic communication networks and services should always be within the general authorisation legal framework, whereby all companies, whether they use numbers that are primarily assigned to them by ANACOM, or they use subassigned numbers, must comply with all the applicable conditions for this offer, in accordance with Article 27 of the Electronic Communications Law, namely as regards legal interception, access to emergency services and caller location information.

Therefore, a), c), d), f) and h) of Article 8 (1) and in exercising the power outlined in paragraph a) of Article 9 (2) and Article 10, all the ANACOM Statutes, approved by Decree-Law no. 39/2015, of 16 March, in the prosecution of the regulatory objectives set out in paragraphs a), b) and c) of no. 1, and in paragraphs b) and d) of no. 2, in paragraph a) of no. 3 and in paragraph g) of no. 4, all of Article 5, and in accordance with paragraphs a) and b) of Article 17 (2), Article 36 (1), of Article 37 (1 and 2), of Article 38 and Article 125 (1), all of the Electronic Communications Law, the Board of Directors of ANACOM, as per paragraph b) of Article 26 (1) of the Statutes, approved, by decision of 6 December 2021, the following regulation:

Regulation on subassignment of E.164 numbers of the National Numbering Plan

Chapter I
General provisions

Article 1
Subject-matter and scope

1 - This regulation establishes the conditions applicable to the subassignment and usage of E.164 numbers of the National Numbering Plan assigned to the following services:

a) Fixed telephone service (2);

b) Mobile telephone service (91, 92, 93 and 96);

c) Nomadic telephone services (30);

d) Universal access service (707 and 708);

e) Flat-rate call service (760, 761 and 762);

f) Free phone service for the caller (800);

g) Shared-cost calls service (808 and 809).

2 - The subassignment of the numbers assigned to the service mentioned in paragraph b) of the previous point implicitly includes the subassignment of the associated numbers to access the following services:

a) Mail box checking, for voice mail services (609);

b) Leaving messages, for voice mail services (669);

c) Mobile fax services (639);

d) Mobile data services (659);

3 - This regulation does not apply to non-geographical numbers that underpin the service of free international calls for the caller and does not hinder the provision of this service. The holder of the respective usage rights, in any event, remains responsible for compliance with all the associated conditions. The holder of the respective usage rights, in any event, remains responsible for compliance with all the associated conditions.

4 - The following parties must comply with the provisions set forth in this regulation:

a) The holders of the number usage rights who subassigned E.164 numbers of 
the National Numbering Plan;

b) The beneficiaries of the subassignment of E.164 numbers of the National Numbering Plan.

Article 2

For the purposes of the provisions in this regulation, the following definitions apply:

a) “Primary assignment” – the assignment, by ANACOM, of the usage rights of the numbers of the National Numbering Plan;

b) “Secondary assignment” – the assignment of numbers, by a company that offers electronic communications networks and services to the end users of their services, subsequent to a primary assignment or a subassignment;

c) “Beneficiary” – the company that receives numbers subassigned by the holder of the respective usage rights;

d) “Return of numbers” – the return of subassigned numbers, by the beneficiary of these numbers to the holder of the respective usage rights;

e) “Company” – company that offers electronic communications networks and services;

f) “Reference Entity” – the entity defined in paragraph h) of Article 2 of Regulation no. 58/2005, of 18 August, in its current wording;

g) “Electronic Communications Law” – Law no. 5/2004, of 10 February, in its current wording;

h) “Recovery of numbers” – the act through which the holder of the usage rights recovers numbers previously subassigned to the beneficiary;

i) “Portability Regulation” – Regulation no. 58/2005, of 18 August, in its current wording;

j) “Registry Regulation” – Regulation no. 6/2018, of 5 January;

k) “Subassignment” – the assignment of E.164 numbers of the National Numbering Plan, by the holder of the respective usage rights to the beneficiaries, subsequent to a primary assignment;

l) “Holder” – the company that holds the usage rights of numbers primarily assigned by ANACOM.

Article 3

The holder and the beneficiary should cooperate with each other to ensure compliance with the conditions attached to the provision of electronic networks and services and to the rights of use of numbers, and to guarantee all the rights of the users and subscribers.

Subassignment conditions

Article 4:
Subassignment conditions

1 - As per the provisions of Article 37 (1) of Article 37 of the Electronic Communications Law, the subassignment is subject to the following prior conditions:

a) The holder must inform ANACOM of the start of the wholesale offer of the electronic communications service, as set forth in Article 21 of the Electronic Communications Law and the Registry Regulation;

b) The beneficiary must inform ANACOM of the start of the retail offer of the electronic communications service, as set forth in Article 21 of the Electronic Communications Law and the Registry Regulation;

c) Signing of a contract between the holder and the beneficiary to whereby the holder’s wholesale offer shall support the beneficiary’s retail offer and for the subassignment, including the criteria for the subassignment, recovery and return of numbers.

2 - As per the provisions of paragraph b) of Article 37 (1) of the Electronic Communications Law and having fulfilled the conditions outlined in the previous point, the holder may proceed with the subassignment, whereby it shall:

a) Limit the subassignment to free eligible numbers, preferably adjacent numbers, in compliance with the provisions of Article 1 (1 and 2);

b) Guarantee that the subassignment is carried out in line with the needs of the beneficiary, taking into account the information transmitted by the beneficiary as regards the evolution of the quantity of numbers needed for its retail offer;

c) Guarantee that the additional subassignment of numbers is only carried out when, in a given range, the beneficiary declares having secondarily assigned at least 60% of the subassigned numbers.

3 - The beneficiary can only proceed with the secondary assignment of the subassigned numbers to the end users of their own retail services, and it is forbidden the assignment to other companies or to the end users of the retail services of other companies.

Usage conditions

Article 5
Usage conditions

As per the provisions of paragraphs a) to d) and f) of Article 37 (1) of the Electronic Communications Law:

a) The holder is responsible for the payment of the fee due for the usage of the numbers, as set out in Articles 18 and following and in Annex III of Administrative Rule no. 1473-B/2008, of 17 December, in its current wording;

b) The beneficiary is responsible for:

i) Compliance with the designation of the service for which the numbers should be used and any requirements linked to the provision of this service;

ii) The effective and efficient use of the numbers, avoiding their under-usage;

iii) Compliance with the requirements as regards the directory enquiry services.

c) The holder and beneficiary are responsible for compliance with the number portability requirements, as set out in Article 54 of the Electronic Communications Law and the Portability Regulation, as well as under the terms of the following article.

Article 6
Number portability

1 - As per the provisions of paragraph c) of Article 37 (1) and Article 54 of the Electronic Communications Law and the Portability Regulation, the holder is responsible for:

a) Compliance with the requirements set out in Article 8 of the Portability Regulation;

b) The management of the processes and electronic requests for number portability when a subscriber changes from one company to the beneficiary and when a beneficiary’s subscriber changes to another company;

c) For the number portability solution, for the routing of the traffic of the communications to the ported numbers of the beneficiary’s subscribers and for the developments needed on the network and the number portability support systems.

2 - As per the provisions of paragraph c) of Article 37 (1) and Article 54 of the Electronic Communications Law and the Portability Regulation, the beneficiary is responsible for:

a) Compliance with the requirements in relation to the subscribers and the end users;

b) Providing the holder with the information regarding the number portability Extranet, as set out in paragraphs b) and c) of Article 8 (1) of the Portability Regulation.

3 - As per the provisions of paragraph c) of Article 37 (1) and Article 54 of the Electronic Communications Law and the Portability Regulation, the holder and the beneficiary shall:

a) Cooperate with each other to facilitate the portability, guarantee the quality and minimise the interruption of the service to the subscriber, as set out in Article 5 (1 and 2) of the Portability Regulation;

b) Provide pertinent information to each other and to the other companies for the good development of the portability processes, notwithstanding the legislation as regards protection of personal data and privacy;

c) Provide ANACOM with all the information requested in relation to the portability, as set out in Article 5 (5) of the Portability Regulation.

4 - The information set out in Article 22 of the Portability Regulation shall be supplied to ANACOM, as described therein:

a) By the holder, with respect to the information outlined in paragraph b) of no. 4;

b) By the beneficiary, with respect to the other information.

5 - For the purposes of portability:

a) Within the scope of a change of a beneficiary’s subscriber to the holder, the holder shall accept the requirements of the recipient provider and the beneficiary shall accept the commitments of the holder provider, under the terms outlined in the Portability Regulation, adapted accordingly;

b) Within the scope of a change of a holder’s subscriber to the beneficiary, the beneficiary shall accept the requirements of the recipient provider and the holder shall accept the commitments of the holder provider, under the terms outlined in the Portability Regulation, adapted accordingly;

c) Within the scope of the change of a subscriber between two holder’s beneficiaries, the beneficiaries shall accept, depending on the case, the commitments of the recipient provider and the commitments of the holder provider. The holder is responsible for carrying out the portability processes, under the terms outlined in the Portability Regulation, adapted accordingly.

d) Within the scope of a change of a beneficiary’s subscriber to another company, the holder and the beneficiary shall accept the commitments of the holder provider, under the terms set out in the Portability Regulation and nos. 1 to 3 of this article, whereby:

i) The holder shall inform the beneficiary of the response to the electronic request for portability;

ii) The holder and the beneficiary shall carry out all the actions necessary to implement the portability during the portability window;

iii) The holder shall inform the beneficiary of the completion of the portability.

e) Within the scope of a change of another company’s subscriber to the beneficiary, the holder and the beneficiary shall accept the commitments of the recipient provider, under the terms set out in the Portability Regulation and nos. 1 to 3 of this article, whereby:

i) The beneficiary shall request the holder to submit the electronic portability request;

ii) The holder shall inform the beneficiary of the response to the electronic portability request;

iii) The holder and the beneficiary shall carry out all the actions necessary to implement the portability during the portability window;

iv) The holder shall inform the beneficiary of the completion of the portability.

f) When applicable, the beneficiary shall request the holder to cancel the electronic portability request if the subscriber withdraws the request, under the terms set out in Article 14 of the Portability Regulation.

6 - For the purposes of portability execution, under the terms set out in the Portability Regulation, the beneficiary shall:

a) Use the holder’s code in the field labelled: “Identification code of the provider” of the Portability Validation Code;

b) Inform the holder of the Portability Validation Codes immediately after they are generated.

7 - For the purposes of implementing portability and in the event of a subscriber changing from another company to the beneficiary, the holder shall associate its Network Routing Number (NRN) to the ported numbers.

8 - The holder shall carry out the number return process, and when applicable guarantee compliance with the quarantine and waiting period of the number until it is reused:

a) In the case of deactivation of a ported number out to the beneficiary, the beneficiary shall send the holder a request for the purpose;

b) In the case of deactivation of a ported number from the beneficiary to the holder, owing to contract termination or termination of the retail offer.

9 - The holder must inform the beneficiary of the completion of the return process of the ported subassigned number, and the beneficiary shall guarantee compliance with the waiting period until it is reused.

Article 7
Transmission of rights of use numbers

1 - As set out in paragraph e) of Article 37 (1) and Article 38 of the Electronic Communications Law, and notwithstanding the terms and conditions to be defined by ANACOM in accordance with these provisions, the holder may transmit the usage rights of the numbers that are the object of subassignment:

a) To the beneficiary;

b) To another company that, through a wholesale offer, supports the retail supply of the beneficiary.

2 - The transmission of the rights of use numbers outlined in paragraph b) of the previous number is subject to the following conditions:

a) Subscription by the beneficiary of the request presented to ANACOM by the holder and by the transmitting company;

b) Compliance, by the transmitting company and the beneficiary, with the conditions outlined in Article 4 (1), adapted accordingly.

Article 8
Termination of wholesale offer and migration of active numbers

1 - As per the provisions of paragraph b) of Article 37 (1) of the Electronic Communications Law and in the event of termination, whether total or partial, of the its wholesale offer:

a) The beneficiary shall report the termination of the supply, whether total or partial, to ANACOM and to the holder at least 60 working days in advance, notwithstanding other applicable reporting duties;

b) The beneficiary, in the absence of agreement of the holder for the transmission of the usage rights outlined in the previous article, may migrate all the subassigned numbers that are active:

i) To itself;

ii) To another company that, through a wholesale offer, supports the retail supply of the beneficiary.

2 - The beneficiary shall report the migration to the holder and ANACOM, at least 5 working days in advance, indicating the list of numbers to migrate, the date the migration occurs, and in the situation set out in sub-paragraph ii) of paragraph b) of the previous point, the support company to which the numbers are migrated. ANACOM shall then pass on this information to the Reference Entity.

3 - The migration of the active numbers to the beneficiaries, as provided for in sub-paragraph i) of paragraph b) of no. 1, is subject to the following conditions:

a) Implementation of the migration of the active numbers through the portability processes established in the Portability Regulation, upon the initiative of the beneficiary and with emulation by the Reference Entity of the role of the donor or holder provider, depending on the case;

b) Acceptance by the beneficiary of all the commitments linked to the numbers that are the object of migration from the date of their migration, notwithstanding the provisions of Article 22 of Administrative Rule no. 1473-B/2008, of 17 December, in their current wording.

4 - The migration of the active numbers to the support company, as provided for in sub-paragraph ii) of paragraph b) of no. 1, is subject to the following conditions:

a) The support company must inform ANACOM of the start of the wholesale offer of the electronic communications service, as set forth in Article 21 of the Electronic Communications Law and the Registry Regulation;

b) Signing of the contract between the support company and the beneficiary to support the retail offer of the beneficiary in the wholesale offer of the support company;

c) Implementation of the migration of the active numbers, by the support company, through the portability processes established in the Portability Regulation, upon the initiative of the support company and with emulation by the Reference Entity of the role of the donor or holder provider, depending on the case;

d) Acceptance by the support company, of all the holder’s commitments linked to the numbers that are the object of the migration, notwithstanding the provisions of Article 22 of Decree no. 1473-B/2008, of 17 December, in its current wording.

e) Maintenance of all the beneficiary’s commitments linked to the active numbers from the date of their migration, under the provisions set out in this regulation;

f) Communication by the beneficiary to the support company of the Portability Validation Codes of the migrated active numbers, after their generation, including the code of the company in the “Provider identification code” field.

5 - In the event of deactivation of a number that is the object of migration, the beneficiary should:

a) In the situation set out in subparagraph i) of paragraph b) of no. 1, submit the number return process;

b) In the situation set out in subparagraph ii) of paragraph b) of no. 1, request the support company to submit the number return process.

6 - In the return process set out in paragraph b) of the previous point, the support company should guarantee, when it is the holder of the respective usage right, compliance with the quarantine and waiting period until the reuse of the number.

Article 9
Termination of the retail offer

As per the provisions of paragraph b) of Article 37 (1) of the Electronic Communications Law and in the event of termination of the beneficiary’s retail offer:

a) The beneficiary shall report the termination, whether total or partial, of the offer to the holder at least 15 days in advance, notwithstanding other applicable reporting duties;

b) The holder recovers the numbers subassigned to the beneficiary that:

i) On the offer termination date are not active;

ii) Are active on the offer termination date, but are not ported during the quarantine period.

c) The holder shall ensure the return process of the numbers that on the offer termination date are ported to the beneficiary, and shall guarantee, when it is the holder of the respective usage right, compliance with the quarantine and guard period until their reuse;

d) The holder shall continue to guarantee the beneficiary’s subscribers the right to portability, in terms of processes, from the offer termination date and during the quarantine period.

Article 10
Reporting and periodic supply of information duties

1 - The holder shall, within a maximum of 10 working days, inform ANACOM of the signing of each wholesale offer contract of the electronic communications service and for the subassignment, as referred to in paragraph c) of Article 4 (1), including:

a) Identification of the beneficiary;

b) Contract signature date and duration of the contract;

c) The numbering services and ranges.

2 - The holder must sent ANACOM the statistical information with regard to subassigned numbers, as per the methods and level of detail established respectively in the Annex to this regulation, of which it is an integral part.

3 - The information mentioned in the previous point shall be sent to ANACOM within 5 working days counting from the last day of each calendar month, in electronic format, using the following e-mail address:

4 - The statistical information collected within the scope of this regulation can be published by ANACOM, under the terms of paragraph e) of Article 9 (2) of its Statutes, approved through Decree-Law no. 39/2015, of 16 March.

Final and transitory provisions

Article 11
Publication of information

Within the scope of the dissemination of the National Numbering Plan on its website, ANACOM publishes the subassigned number and identification of the beneficiaries.

Article 12

ANACOM is responsible for supervising compliance with the provisions set out in this regulation.

Article 13
Sanctions framework

Breaches of the provisions set out in this regulation are punishable under the terms of paragraphs h), i), dd) and pp) of Article 113 (2) of the Electronic Communications Law.

Article 14
Entry into force

This regulation shall enter into force the day after its publication.

6 de dezembro de 2021. - O Presidente do Conselho de Administração, João António Cadete de Matos.

Informação a remeter pelo titular ao abrigo do disposto no n.º 2 do artigo 10.º.

Information to be sent by the holder as per the provisions of Article 10 (2)

Monthly questionnaire about subassigned numbers

1. Universe: Numbers that have been subassigned or subassigned numbers that have been recovered by 11.59 pm on the last day of each calendar month. The reference month of the information is the calendar month prior to the delivery of the information.

2. Specification of the database to send to ANACOM:

a) Name and format of the file: [IDENTIFICATION OF THE HOLDER]-subassigned-[REFERENCE DATE OF THE INFORMATION IN THE YYYYMM FORMAT].txt. For example, “Nameoftheholder-subassigned-202201.txt”, for the case of the month of January 2022, which will be reported in February 2022;

b) First line: with header in accordance with the second column of the following table;

c) Fields: in accordance with the following table;

d) Separator of fields: “;”.

3. If a number has been subassigned and recovered – or vice-versa – in the same month, these actions shall be recorded on separate lines.

4. Specification of the database fields:


Name of the field




No. of characters




Name or firm of the beneficiary

Not applicable



Not applicable



Initial number subassigned or recovered.


Not applicable

Numeric (whole number)


Not applicable



Final number subassigned or recovered.


Not applicable

Numeric (whole number)


Not applicable



Indication of the type of number, if geographic, mobile, nomad or non-geographic.

1 - Geographic

2 - Mobile

3 - Nomad

4 - Non-geographic

Numeric (whole number)


First digits of fields 2/3:


1 Geographic - ranges ‘2x(y)’

2 Mobile - ranges ’91, 92, 93 and 96’

3 Nomad - range ‘30’

4 Non-geographic - ranges ‘707, 708, 760, 761, 762, 808 and 809’



Quantity of subassigned or recovered numbers.

Not applicable

Numeric (whole number)


Difference between the values of field 3 and field 2 plus one



Indication of whether the numbers were subassigned or recovered.

1 - Subassigned

2 - Recovered

Numeric (whole number)


1 or 2



Date on which the numbers have been subassigned or recovered.

Not applicable




Year and month corresponding to the calendar month under analysis

5. Example of form filled in:








Beneficiary 1







Beneficiary 2







Beneficiary 3







Beneficiary 4







Beneficiary 3





