ANACOM approves regulation on the methodology for calculating net costs of providing the social tariff for broadband internet access services

ANACOM approved, on 22 November 2022, the regulation on the methodology for calculating the net costs of providing the social tariff for broadband internet access services.

Pursuant to paragraph 3 of article 6 of Decree-Law No 66/2021 of 30 July, compensation for the provision of the social tariff for broadband internet access services requires that an application is submitted by the respective provider to the member of the Government responsible for the area of digital transition and to ANACOM, by the end of January, with reference to services provided in the previous calendar year, attaching all necessary and relevant information for assessing such application.

The regulation now approved defines the methodology to be used to calculate the net costs of the universal service obligation regarding the application of the social tariff for broadband internet access services. Companies which, under article 157 of the Electronic Communications Law, submit an application for compensation for the social tariff for broadband internet access services are subject to this regulation. ANACOM also provides companies with a methodology support document.

The regulation enters into force on the day following its publication in the Official Gazette.
