URSI: Call for scientific papers open until 25 January

The XXXVth URSI General Assembly (GA) and Scientific Symposium https://www.ursi-gass2023.jp/ will be held in Sapporo (Japan) from 19 to 26 August 2023. The scientific meetings of Commissions are open to all scientists and students registered as participants in the General Assembly.

In this context, a call for papers is open until 25 January 2023, whereby interested parties may submit their contributions in electronic format, through the link provided for that purpose on the URSI General Assembly website.

Applications for the Young Scientists Award are also open until 25 January. Applicants must be less than 35 years old on September 1 of the year the URSI GA (in this case, 2023) is held, and must have a paper submitted and accepted. They will receive free registration and financial support for board and lodging. The application must be made electronically through the same website used for the submission of papers.

The 10th International URSI Student Paper Competition will also take place. Prize winners will be awarded certificates and checks in the amounts of $1500, $1250, $1000, $750 and $500, respectively, for 1st place through 5th place. This award is open to full-time university students who submit a paper (4 to 10 page long) on topics related to the field of one of the URSI Commissions. More information about paper submission, here https://www.ursi-gass2023.jp/paper_submission.html .