Problems with service contracting were the main cause for complaints related to electronic communications in 2022

In 2022, problems with service contracting were the main subject for complaints and the only issue to increase in this period, in which the number of complaints fell in general. A total of 20 000 complaints were received about these difficulties, about 28% of complaints related to electronic communications.

The main complaints recorded focus on non-transparent situations of service contracting and negative contractual practices, which are often encouraged by the possibility of retaining consumers.

Particular reference to complaints motivated by the activation of services without consent, which was also the reason for the biggest increase in complaints against NOS and MEO, and complaints related to the impossibility of blocking the automatic activation of mobile data packages, which was the second main reason for the rise in complaints in the period under analysis in the sector and against VODAFONE.

By contrast, there was an improvement in terms of the delay in handling complaints, which was the reason that decreased the most in 2022 in the electronic communications sector.

In the most frequently described situations on complaints about the contracting of services, taking place mainly in the scope of distance contracts, complainants claim that:

  • they were taken by surprise, upon contacting the provider, when told that their contract had been previously renewed, without being aware of having received any contractual offer or having consented to the renewal of the contract;
  • the service provider had activated a new contract without any signature or written confirmation regarding the proposal presented by the provider;
  • they had been subject to a new loyalty period even after expressly refusing to subscribe the contractual offer made by the provider;
  • they had received contacts from the provider for the installation of services they had not signed up for;
  • the provider had amended his or her contract on the initiative of another person (e.g. family members);
  • service add-ons had been activated without intentional action, referring how easy it is to get these add-ons through the television equipment, often without the person responsible for doing so being aware of it.

In view of these situations, ANACOM alerts consumers to the need to carefully check their invoice and the documentation they receive from service providers, so that they can act in good time when these situations occur. It is also important for consumers to be aware that if the contract has not been concluded in compliance with applicable rules, it is not valid and cannot bind the consumer.

Electronic communications facing 72.5 thousand complaints in 2022

Overall, 72 500 complaints were brought against electronic communications in 2022, 10% less than in 2021.

On an operator basis, Vodafone was the provider that registered the most complaints in absolute terms (36%) and also the only one that saw an increase in the number of complaints compared to 2021 (+12%). NOS was the second service provider against whom more complaints were filed in 2022, with 31% of total complaints in the sector, followed by MEO, with 29%, and NOWO, with 3%.

In terms of the complaints rate, NOS was the provider that registered the most complaints per thousand customers - 7.2 -, followed by Vodafone, with 7.1. MEO recorded the lowest complaint rate, with 3.7 complaints per thousand customers.

According to districts, Setubal was the district with the most complaints, with 88 complaints per 10 000 inhabitants, followed by Lisbon with 86.2. In contrast, Guarda was the district with the fewest complaints, 23 per 10 000 inhabitants.

Postal sector with 37.2 thousand complaints

In the postal sector, 37.2 thousand complaints were filed in 2022, 22% less than in the same period last year. CTT was responsible for 31.8 thousand, 86% of the total. Even so, complaints against CTT fell 23% in 2022.

DPD is the second postal operator against whom more complaints were filed, with 2.5 thousand complaints, 27% less than in 2021. The group of other providers with fewer complaints (UPS, General Logistics, DHL, CEP, TNT, among others) represents a total of 8% of complaints recorded by ANACOM.

Lack of home delivery attempt was the reason most frequently mentioned in complaints about postal services (19% of total complaints in the sector) - mentioned in 17% of complaints against CTT. Delays in the delivery of postal items and poor service coverage were the grounds that increased the most compared to 2021.

In 2022, a decrease in complaints concerning the delay in handling complaints and clearance of postal items was observed.

As regards the geographical distribution of postal complaints, Faro was the district with the highest number of complaints, with 54 complaints per 10 000 inhabitants, followed by Lisbon with 50 complaints per 10 000 inhabitants. Portalegre recorded the lowest rate of complaints, with 8 complaints per 10 000 inhabitants.

In total, taking into account both the electronic communications and the postal sector, ANACOM recorded around 109 700 written complaints against communications service providers in 2022, 15% less than in 2021. Despite the decrease, the sector continues to report a much larger number of complaints than in the pre-pandemic period.
