PT Comunicações?s Cost Accounting System 2001 Financial Year - determination of 14.4.2004

By determination of 14 April 2004 and following an audit issued by BDO Binder & Co., was approved the statement of compliance ofthe cost accounting system for 2001 financial year for the fixed telephone service and for the leased lines service of PT Comunicações, S.A. with the obligations contained in paragraph no. 3 of MEPAT Decision no. 15021/99 (2nd Series) and in article 34 of the Regulations for the Operation of the Fixed Telephone Service (Decree-Law no. 474/99, of November 8), regarding the fixed telephone networks and the telephone fixed service, and with the provisions contained in article 29 of the Regulations for the Operation of the Public Telecommunication Networks (Decree-Law no. 290-A/99, of 30 July), as far as the leased lines service is concerned.
