Irregular use of the 707, 708 and 709 numbering range - ministerial order of 21.1.2004

/ Updated on 24.03.2005

By ministerial order of 21 January 2004, it was ordered the suspension of the telephone service provided by several numbers of the 707, 708 and 709 range numbers from operators Jazztel Portugal and Coltel.

Following several complaints, the action of inspection promoted by ANACOM, allowed to conclude that the facts verified consubstantiate an incorrect use, by third parties, of the numbering resources attributed to those providers. Those actions are susceptible to determine the revocation of the attribution act on identification codes and series of numbers and imposing an action of extreme urgency by the serious loss that such illicit act, continuing, has caused to users and operators.

It was, thus, determined to constitute the related against-ordinance proceedings to entities using the mentioned numbers, clients of Jazztel Portugal, and Coltel.

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