Name: José Manuel Amado da Silva
Nationality: Portuguese
Date of birth: 10 June 1944
Academic and professional qualifications
Doctor in Economics (1989) - Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Lisbon.
Chemical-Industrial Engineer (1967) - Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon.
Full Professor - Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa.
Visiting Professor - Instituto Superior Técnico.
Academic Career
Instituto de Ciências do Trabalho e de Empresas, (Institute of Sciences of Labour and Firm), first as a Lecturer and after 1979 as a Visiting Professor.
Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP), March 1978 - September 1997.
- Jan. 1981 - Oct. 1989 - Board of Directors of the Faculty of Human Sciences
- Oct. 1989 - Nov. 1992 - Vice-Rector
- 1989-1992 - Member of the Council of UCP
- Member of the Financial Management Council of UCP
- Nov. 1992 - Oct. 1997 - Director of the Centre of Applied Studies, responsibility for several studies:
- Study on non-interventionalism of the State in the Economy
- Evaluation of SIBR
- Intercalary evaluation PEDIP II (Portuguese program supporting industrial development).
- Global evaluation of PEDIP II
- Eastern Europe: Opportunities and Threats to the Portuguese Industry
- Study on Venture Capital in Portugal
- Evaluation of SIBR (system of incentives on a regional base).
- Intercalary Evaluation of PEDIP II
- Study on Production-Distribution Relations in Portugal
- Study on the value of unsupplied electric energy.
- Jan. 1995 - Nov. 1996 – Dean of the Faculty of Economic and Business
- 1989-1992 - Member of Financial Management Board of UCP.
Faculty of Economics, of Universidade Nova de Lisboa (1980 - 1994), as a Visiting Professor.
Universidade Católica Portuguesa (Porto), October 1997 - July 2002, as a Visiting Professor.
Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa, Oct. 1997 - Jun. 2006 - Full Professor, Director of the Department of Economics and Director of the Centre of Studies in Business and Economics.
External Examiner of the Master Courses in Information Management of the University of Sheffield in LNETI, Lisbon (1991 and 1994).
Member of the ''Assessment Consultative Committee'' of Phare Programme, October 1991.
Member of the ''Assessment Consultative Committee'' of A.C.E. Programme, Brussels, 1991.
1993 - 1999, Member of Fulbright Board in Portugal
Since October 1997, Director of the Centre of Studies in Business and Economics, Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa; responsible for carrying out several studies:
- Diagnosis of Application of Industrial Policy Programs in Portugal, April and August, 1998.
- Contribution to the delineation of the European Support Programme III in the scope of the Ministry of Economy, October 1998.
- Contribution to the definition of development strategies in the scope of the Ministry of Economy, November 1998.
- Contribution to the definition of industrial and energy policy, December, 1999.
- Organization of the 8th National Meeting of Industrial Economy, January 2000.
- Study on the Railway Network Usage Fees, by INTF (Institute for Rail Transport), January 2000.
- Study on Characterization and Evaluation of the Competitiveness of the Portuguese Metallurgical and Metal Working Industry and its Strategic Perspectives, to AIMMAP (Portuguese Association of the Metallurgical and Metal Working Companies), April 2000.
- Study on Airport Taxes, in association with the Cranfield University to INAC (National Institute for Civil Aviation), December, 2001.
- Study for EGF for the discussion and establishment of a methodology for setting prices for the treatment of urban solid residues, 2004.
- Statement on Services of General Economic Interest in Telecommunications, for CES – Social and Economic Council, 2005.
Between 1998 and June 2006, Member of the Committee which states the rules to university entrance (CNAES).
1998 - 2002, Member of the Portuguese Section of CEEP - European Centre of Companies with Public ownership and/or General Economic Interest.
Doctoral and Masters thesis committees connected to regulation:
- Debater on the Doctoral thesis committee for the PhD in Economy of João Confraria, ''Contributions for the Study of the Industrial Structure of Markets in Portugal - An Economic Analysis of the Conditioning of Industries, 1990''.
- Supervisor and Master thesis committee in European Studies of Vitorino de Sousa ''Study of the Mechanisms for the Definition of an Optimal Policy for Patents: an attempt to apply to the Portuguese case'', 2000.
- Master thesis committee in Engineering and Technology Management of Marta Isabel da Costa Paiva Pinto ''A study on the deregulation of the electricity sector and the implications for the Portuguese market'', 2001.
- Joint supervisor on Doctoral thesis committee for the PhD in Economics of Eduardo Miguel Vicente de Almeida Cardadeiro ''Economic Regulation of the Water Supply and Sanitation Industry'', 2006.
Other professional activities
From 1968 to 1973: Nuclear Energy Concession of Portugal.
From 1973 to 1980: Department of Industrial Economic Studies of the Ministry of Industry.
As a Consultant of the Minister of Planning, studies and reports on Renault and Ford Projects in Portugal.
As a Personal Consultant for the Minister of Industry and Energy (1987 – Oct. 1995) with several responsibilities, being of particular note:
- Leader of the Task Force for Restructuring the Portuguese Fertilizer Industry and Preparation for the Privatisation of Portuguese Public Steel Company;
- Member of the Committee for lease CNP and sell off EPSI;
- Member of the Committee for the competition of the ''Tapada do Outeiro'' Power Station;
- Member of the Assessment Commission of the Public Import, Transportation and Supply of Natural Gas Concession.
Member of the Observatory Group of EU Funds, until October 1995.
Chairman of the Statutory Audit Committee of Optimus, since its beginning until the end of 2000.
Chairman of the ICP-ANACOM, since June 2006.
Of several works published, of most note are:
- Sérgio, R. and J. Amado da Silva, ''A likelihood of a World Plutonium Market'', World Energy Conference, Bucharest, 1971.
- Amado da Silva, J. e A. Santos, ''Modelling a Duopoly of Public Firms: Conduct, Product Differentiation and Price Regulation'', X EARIE Conference, Bergen, 1983.
- Amado da Silva, J. e A. Santos, ''O Programa de Regulação Económica e Financeira e a Política Industrial Portuguesa'', (The Programme of Financial and Economic Regulation and the Portuguese Industrial Policy), Indústria do Norte, 4th Quarter, 1984.
- Amado da Silva, J., ''Economia Industrial e Excesso de Capacidade'' (Excess Capacity and Industrial Economics), INP, Lisbon, 1991.
- Amado da Silva, J., ''Industrial policy and decentralization: ideas from the Portuguese experience'', Lisbon Workshop on Objectives of European Industrial Policy, 15/16, April 1994.
- Amado da Silva, J., ''Industrial Policies in Transition: Portugal vs. Czech Republic'', Washington: Workshop on Enterprises Adjustment in Eastern Europe, September 1994.
- Amado da Silva, J. e E. Cardadeiro, ''Anti-Dumping in the EC: a disguised Industrial Policy?'', 3rd Portuguese Meeting of Industrial Economics, Porto, October 1994.
- Amado da Silva, J. and Malinka Koparanova, ''Industrial Policies in Transition: Necessity, Lost Gains, or Absurd? Empirical Evidence from Bulgarian and Portuguese Experiences in the 90's'', Draft, 1996.
- Amado da Silva, J., e Alberto de Castro, ''Employment and Technological Change in a Global Economy'', 19th Conference on International Working Party on Labour Market Segmentation, Porto, 15-19 July, 1997.
- Amado da Silva, J., P. Verga Matos e E. Cardadeiro, ''Restrições Verticais: Descendentes ou Ascendentes?'' (Vertical Restraints: Top down or Bottom up?), 6th National Meeting on Industrial Economics, Lisbon, October 1997.
- Amado da Silva, J.; ''A Economia Digital e o Acesso à Informação'', (Digital Economy and Information Availability), chapter included in ''1st Jornadas Empresariais Portuguesas'', Associação Empresarial Portuguesa, Porto, October 1998.
- Amado da Silva, J., and Sousa, Vitorino, ''Inovar e Patentear na Economia Digital - a experiência dos métodos de negócio na Internet'' (Innovating and Patenting in the Digital Economy - the experience of business methods on the internet), 9th National Meeting on Industrial Economics, UAL, Lisbon, January 2000.
- Amado da Silva, J., ''Política Europeia da Concorrência'' (European Competition Policy), chapter included in the Portuguese edition of ''The Fortune Encyclopaedia of Economics'', March 2000.
- Amado da Silva, J., ''Economia Internacional'' (International Economics), SPI, Porto, 2000.
- Amado da Silva, J., ''Gestão de Projectos Internacionais'' (International Project Management), SPI, Porto, 2000.
- Amado da Silva, J., ''Proposta de Um Programa para o Desenvolvimento da Economia Digital'' (Developing Digital Economy - A Proposal), chapter included in ''2nd Jornadas Empresariais Portuguesas'', Associação Empresarial Portuguesa, Porto, October 2000.
- Amado da Silva, J., Matos, Pedro Verga e Cardadeiro, Eduardo, ''A Regulação do Transporte Ferroviário e a Directiva 2001/14/CE - Algumas implicações para o modelo de regulação em Portugal'' (The Regulation of Rail Transportation and the Directive 2001/14/CE - Some implications for the Portuguese regulation model), article included in ''Galileu - Revista de Economia e Direito'' Vol. VIII, No. 1, 2003, pp. 19-30, May 2001.
- Amado da Silva, J., ''Empresarialização de Serviços - Concessões'' (Privatization of Public Services - Concessions), SPI, Porto, 2005.