Privatisation, Liberalisation and the Portuguese Telecommunications Sector: a Social Cost-benefit Analysis

/ Atualizado em 12.12.2006

(Última actualização - 12.12.2006)

Estudo: Download de ficheiro "Privatisation, Liberalisation and the Portuguese Telecommunications Sector: a Social Cost-benefit Analysis"1


Download de ficheiro Maria de Lurdes Martins (Universidade do Minho)
Download de ficheiro Natália Maria Monteiro (Universidade do Minho)

Data: Julho de 2006

Resumo: The Portuguese Telecommunications industry has experienced overwhelming changes in the last two decades. In this paper we summarise the main economic indicators of the Portuguese Telecommunications industry, and report a social cost-benefit analysis of the privatisation and liberalisation of the Portuguese Telecommunications sector between 1993 and 2004. Our results show that all agents benefited from the reforms, in particular the government and consumers from international and mobile segments. International customers may have benefited from price ?rebalancing? schemes and mobile consumers were benefiting from increased competition. Net efficiency gains seem to have ranged from 6% (in the strong-pro public scenario) to 32% of annual total PT?s wireline and mobile revenues (in the strong pro-privatisation scenario).


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1 Este estudo, incluindo os respectivos pressupostos e conclusões, é da exclusiva responsabilidade dos seus autores, não comprometendo ou veiculando qualquer posição da ANACOM.