Information Society in Portugal - 2006, UMIC and INE, December 2006

/ Updated on 21.11.2007

Title: Download file Information Society in Portugal - 2006

Summary: This publication, an initiative of the Grupo de Trabalho de Acompanhamento das Estatísticas para a Sociedade da Informação (GTAESI - Work Group for Monitoring Information Society Statistics) of the Conselho Superior de Estatísticas (CSE - High Council of Statistics), is the first compilation made in Portugal of the main and most recent statistical information produced by different national entities that monitor the information society. It is organized in six thematic chapters: “Telecommunications”; “Population and ICT”; “Electronic government”; “ICT education and training”; “ICT in hospitals”; and “Digital economy”.

Among the data in this publication, the following stands out: the rate of computer users in the total population (from 16 to 74 years old) is 42 per cent; this proportion is of 87 per cent and 91 per cent, respectively, for individuals with secondary or higher education levels; 83 per cent of medium-size companies and 59 per cent of small companies have broadband connections to the Internet, with Portugal ranking 2nd, 10th and 13th, respectively, in the EU25; and 97 per cent of hospitals are connected to the Internet, mainly using broadband (94%).

Author: UMIC - Agência para a Sociedade do Conhecimento, I.P. (Knowledge Society Agency) and Instituto Nacional de Estatística (National Institute of Statistics)

Date: December 2006