Planning of T-DAB in the L band

An extraordinary meeting of the Frequency Management Working Group (WG FM) of CEPT (European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations), was held between June 10 and 14, in Maastricht, Holland. The main objective of the meeting was to planone coverage of Terrestrial Digital Audio Broadcasting (T-DAB) in the L band (1452-1479,5 MHz) for each of the member countries.

The objectives of the Portuguese administration - represented by ANACOM - were fully satisfied, having achieved allocation of frequency blocks to all geographical regions that had been previously established, which on the whole cover  the entire national territory.

In this manner, after the refarming of certain radiocommunications services that still exist in this band, in the future it will be possible for the vast majority of "local" radio stations to have access to this new service.