Competition for the Granting of Licenses for the Use of Frequencies for Fixed Wireless Access

/ Updated on 16.03.2004

As it has been reported in the news, on the 28th of June 1999, the competition for the granting of licenses with regards to use of frequencies for FWA. The public act for the competition took place on the 25th and 26th of August, executed by the commission who was designated by the Minister of Equipment, Planning and Territorial Administration on the 9th of July 1999. Their task will be to also evaluate the candidatures and to elaborate a classified list of the competitors. Under the terms of this dispatch, the following people were named to comprise the referred Commission:

President - Dr. Luís Filipe Nunes Coimbra Nazaré

Permanent members:
Prof. Doutor Carlos Eduardo do Rego da Costa Salema
Dr. Álvaro José de Oliveira Marques de Miranda

Reserve members:
1º Dr. Luís Filipe Gouveia de Menezes
2º Engineer Maria Luísa Cordeiro Madeira Mendes
3º Engineer João Miguel Montes Alves de Castro

The bands open to competition and their respective uses are the following:

  • 3600-3800 MHz (narrow band - voice telephony and the low level bit rate data transmission) - 3 licenses;
  • 24,5-26,5 GHz (wide band - high bit rate data transmission, including namely Internet, videoconferencing and "video on demand") - 6 licenses;
  • 27,5-29,5 GHz (wide band - allowing the transmission of television signals) - 2 licenses.

As a result of the summary and formal analysis carried out within the scope of the public opening of the competition, it is possible to identify the content of the presented proposals as detailed in the table below:

3600-3800 MHz 24,5-26,5 GHz 27,5-29,5 GHz
Bragatel (a) - X(*) X(*)
Cabovisão (a) - - X
Comnexo - X -
Eastécnica - X -
E3G X X -
Jazztel - X -
Maxitelsat (a) X - -
PT (a) X - -
Refer (a) - X -
Sonae X X -
Telecel (a) - X -
Telepac (a) - X -
Teleweb - X -
TV Cabo Mondego - - X
WTS - - X
United Telekable (b) X - -

(*) 1 license as an alternative to a band, with preference 27,5-29,5 GHz
(a) Conditionally granted
(b) Rejected

Within the 16 candidatures submitted, there was one preliminarily rejected, that of- United Telekable Holding W.V., who immediately appealed the Commissions decision (appeal with only a devolute effect) and seven who were conditionally admitted. In relation to these, the Commission granted a period of time so that they could correct the irregularities that were formally detected.

Once this term has expired- at 4.00 p.m. on Monday the 30th of August- the verification of the correction of all the irregularities aforementioned, if so they will remain in the competition.

While, between 2.00 p.m. and 7.00 p.m. on the 26th and 9.00 a.m. and 7.00 p.m. on the 27th, all the proposals (with the exception of that which was excluded) were available to all competitors for consultation.

Under the terms of the competition rules, the Commission must analyse the proposals for each frequency band, and propose to the Member of Government responsible for the telecommunications area, that he grants licenses to those who obtain the best classification. For this the commission has 22 working days counting from the day of the public opening of the competition.

This term will finish on the 24th of September 1999.
