16th ANACOM Seminar - Study and presentation

The work, ''Study on the corporate consumption of postal services'', authored by KPMG and presented at the 16th in the series of ANACOM seminars, which took place on 3 July at Lisbon's Malhoa Hotel, is now available for consultation, along with the presentation made Jorge Santos, a KPMG representative.

Any comments or suggestions may be sent to the ANACOM's Studies and Forecasting Office, which can also be contacted in case of any queries.

This study, including its premises and conclusions, are the exclusive responsibility of its author, and does not necessarily represent or is in any way binding upon the position of ANACOM, even while it was ordered by this Authority.

Study on the corporate consumption of postal serviceshttps://www.anacom.pt/render.jsp?contentId=597819

Related information on ANACOM's website:

ANACOM Seminarshttps://www.anacom.pt/render.jsp?contentId=402178