Wholesale offers - publication of levels of performance achieved in QoS

By determination of 15 October 2008, ANACOM decided to submit to the prior hearing of interested parties, pursuant the Code of Administrative Procedure, and for a 30-day period of time, a draft decision on the publication of the levels of performance achieved in the quality of service of wholesale offers - RUO (reference unbundling offer), LLRO (leased lines reference offer), RCAO (reference conduit access offer), PT ADSL Network and SLRO (subscriber line resale offer).

Under this decision, the PT Group must publish and make available to final users, beneficiaries of its wholesale offers and ANACOM, the information laid down in Annex 2 to the determination. In case it presents evidence that it is not possible to gather some of the wholesale information provided for in the Annex, the Group must submit information on retail services operated by companies of the Group that use services within the scope of the respective wholesale offers.

The information on quality of wholesale services provided by the PT Group, as well as information on supplied amounts/parks (where such information is not connected to the quality of wholesale services provided) must be reported on a quarterly basis.

Information intended for final users must be made publicly available at PT Group's website, and must be clearly and easily identified. Information intended for beneficiaries of offers must be made available by an Extranet, or by email, where this is not possible, stating reasons for the impossibility.

The PT Group must also present uniform data broken down by area and checkpoints, identified with a clear code and designation. In case new indicators of quality of service or premium levels are introduced, information on these amendments shall be disclosed immediately to final users, beneficiaries and ANACOM.

According to the draft decision, the PT Group must submit to ANACOM information on the second half of 2009 by the end of July 2009.

Interested parties have been notified to assess the issue within 30 working days, pursuant to articles 100 and 101 of the Code of Administrative Procedure.

Levels of performance achieved in wholesale offers' QoS (draft decision)https://www.anacom.pt/render.jsp?contentId=705403