I/ERG 2009 work programme

Following the 26th plenary of the European Regulators Group (ERG), which took place in  Dublin, Ireland, on 8 and 9 October, a debriefing session on the 2009 work programme will be held in Brussels on 6 November. The session is open to all interested parties, although prior registration is required by sending the duly completed registration form by email to Endereço electrónico.mailto:erg-secretariat@ec.europa.eu erg-secretariat@ec.europa.eumailto:erg-secretariat@ec.europa.eu.

The work programme remains subject to a public consultation, which closes on 7 November, in respect of which comments should be sent by email to the ERG secretariat, Endereço electrónico.mailto:erg-secretariat@ec.europa.eu erg-secretariat@ec.europa.eumailto:erg-secretariat@ec.europa.eu, with the subject ''WP 2009''. The final version of the programme will be adopted at the next ERG plenary, which will be held in December 2008, in Budapest, Hungary.

IRG/ERG Draft Work Programme 2009http://berec.europa.eu/doc/publications/erg_08_48rev1_draft_wp_09.pdf

Further information:

European Regulators Group - ERGhttp://erg.ec.europa.eu/

Related information on ANACOM's website:

International Presence: EU-ERG - European Regulators Grouphttps://www.anacom.pt/template15.jsp?categoryId=166042