New amateur services regime

The new legal regime applicable to the amateur and amateur satellite services entered into force on 01 June, pursuant to Decree Law no. 53/2009 of 2 March, resulting in the obligation to establish a new model of communication between amateurs and this Authority. This model will be supported by electronic services, to be made available by 15 January 2010, and whose exclusive use will be mandatory as of this date.

Accordingly, a secure, reserved area - Amateur Area - has been made available on this website, which amateurs can use to access a range of electronic services, not just to contact ANACOM but to submit various requirements online.

ANACOM has renewed the page providing information on the amateur and amateur satellite service, in order to reflect the framework and associated procedures resulting from this new law. Information is also provided on the applicable provisions contained in the National Frequency Allocation Plan (NFAP), particular in annex 6 of the plan, which details the frequency bands and respective conditions governing their use by different categories of amateur, in addition to the status of the amateur and amateur satellite services.
