New rules for internatiomal roaming

New maximum tariffs applicable to voice communications, text messages (SMS) and data service came into force on 1 July roaming, as a result of the amendment to Regulation (EC) no. 717/2007 related to roaming on the public mobile telephone networks of the Community.

The maximum value of the Eurotariff (excluding VAT) is 0.43 euros for calls made and 0.19 euros for calls received. Calls shall be charged on a per second basis and for some calls made an initial charging interval of no more than 30 seconds may be applied. The Euro-SMS  tariff may not exceed the value of 0.11 euros (excluding VAT).

Accordingly, ANACOM launched an information campaign on 24 June on international roaming. The campaign's objective is to give consumers information not only about  the new tariffs, but also about  the issues they should take into account when using their mobile phone and accessing the Internet in roaming before they travel abroad. The campaign will use various media, particularly a website created especially for the campaign - Roaming Light. This website provides access to information and a useful set of tools that will make it easier to obtain information from all operators.

Further information:

Related information on ANACOM's website:

  • Roaming