Law no. 6/97, of 1 of March

Assembleia da República (Assembly of the Republic)


(This is not an official translation of the law)

Authorises the broadcasting of parliamentary sessions on public and private cable TV networks.

Under the terms of article 164, paragraph d), and article 169, point 3, of the Constitution, the Portuguese Parliament hereby decrees the following:

Article 1

1. Parliament shall make the signal of its internal video network available for the purposes of distributing parliamentary broadcasts on the cable television networks.

2. Operators of public use cable television distribution may freely broadcast, by means of the respective transport networks, the signal made available by Parliament, without including advertising or any other elements not resulting from the regime approved by the present law and by the respective complimentary instruments.

Article 2

1. All duly licensed operators of public use cable distribution shall have access to the video signal of the Portuguese Parliament.

2. The access referred to in the previous point shall be subject to:

a. The definition, upon Parliament's resolution, of the general provisions related to modalities, schedules and the many other broadcast programming aspects;

b. Celebrating of the protocol with the Parliament where the framework terms, conditions and rules for the broadcasts of parliamentary sessions shall be set in concrete terms;

c. Prior notification to the Instituto das Comunicações de Portugal (ICP).

Approved on 16 January 1997.

Chairman of the Portuguese Parliament, António de Almeida Santos.

Enacted on 7 February 1997.

Let it be published.

The President of the Portuguese Republic, JORGE SAMPAIO.

Countersigned on 13 February 1997.

The Prime Minister, António Manuel de Oliveira Guterres.