Presidência do Conselho de Ministros (Council of Ministers' Presidency) - Conselho de Ministros (Council of Ministers)
Resolution of the Council of Ministers
Resolution of the Council of Ministers n. º 135/2002, of 26 October, has identified the institutional framework of the Government activity in the fields of innovation, information society and electronic government.
Having this background in view, the Government has established the Knowledge and Innovation Mission Unit, a supporting structure for the development of government policies concerning those issues, which is to report directly to the Minister Assistant to the Prime Minister.
The mentioned resolution determines that the management of the Knowledge and Innovation Mission Unit shall be incumbent upon a manager, assisted in the performance of his functions by two coordinators, the three of them being provided with the status of mission responsibles.
For these reasons, the manager and the coordinators must be appointed, and their corresponding remuneration determined.
Under the terms of paragraph d) of article 199 of the Constitution, and pursuant to article 37 of Law n. º 49/99, of 22 July, the Council of Ministers hereby resolves:
1 - To appoint, upon proposal of the Minister Assistant to the Prime Minister, Diogo Alves de Sousa de Vasconcelos to be manager of the Knowledge and Innovation Mission Unit, with the status of mission responsible,the remuneration benefits of whom correspond to that of a president of the board of administration of a public enterprise, group B, level 1.
2 - To appoint, upon proposal of the Minister Assistant to the Prime Minister, Carlos Miguel Vallere Pinheiro de Oliveira and Maria Alexandra dos Santos Vilela to be coordinators of the Knowledge and Innovation Mission Unit, with the status of mission responsibles, in order to provide the manager mentioned in the preceding paragraphwith the necessary supportin the performance of his functions, the remuneration benefits of whom, including the allowance for representation expenses,correspond to that of a director-general.
3 - To correspond the time-limit for the accomplishment of the mission assigned to the newly appointed manager and coordinators to that of the period in which the III Community Support Framework is in force, including the time necessary to present the final report, save as otherwise determined by the Minister Assistant to the Prime Minister, pursuant to paragraph 5 of Resolution of the Council of Ministers n. º 135/2002.
4 - To determine that this Resolution shall take effect as from the date of its approval.
26 October 2002. - The Prime-Minister, José Manuel Durão Barroso.
Curriculum vitae
I - Personal data
Name: Diogo Alves de Sousa de Vasconcelos;
Date of birth: 16 May 1968.
II - Educational attainment
Presentlypursuing a Masters degree in Political Science from the Political Studies Institute of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Lisbon;
MBA, Masters in Business Administration, for Law graduates from the Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Oporto;
Post-graduation in Communication Law from the Law School of the Universidade de Coimbra;
Law degree from the Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Oporto.
III - Professional background
(has relinquished wholly his professional activities):
Member of the Portuguese Parliament elected for the electoral district of Oporto - has requested mandate suspension;
Managing Director of the Sa Carneiro Institute;
Member of the advisory committee of the North of Portugal Investment Agency;
Member of the advisory committee of INTELI - Inteligência em Inovação;
Managing Director of Change Partners, a venture capital company, of which he was the founder;
Chairman of First Media - Comunicação, SA;
Member of the advisory committee of the Clube da Universidade Católica;
Member of the advisory committee of the Pedro Nunes Institute (Enterprise Incubator of the Universidade de Coimbra);
Member of the general council the of NET - Oporto Business Innovation Centre (Enterprise Incubator of the Universidade do Porto);
Chairman of the advisory committee of APOR - Oporto Development Agency;
Chairman of the Caderno Verde (environment services);
Deputy chairman of ANJE and chairman of its general assembly (has requested mandate suspension);
Managing Director (finalduty assignment) of Grupo Fórum, Lisbon & Oporto;
Director of the Fórum Estudante magazine;
IV - Complementary activities
Coordinator of the working group on electronic government in the scope of the Ibero-American Community of Nations, in representation of the Portuguese Government;
Member of the advisory committee of the Engineering & Technology 2000 project;
Member of the Committee of Representatives of theColóquio - Educação e Sociedade magazine of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation;
Author of several conference presentations on electronic government, information society and electronic democracy, with a special emphasis to the participation as an invited speaker at the VII Conference for Ministers of the Presidency of the Ibero-American Community, held in Lisbon;
Author of several presentations at workshops, seminars and international conferences on enterprising, venture capital and innovation, with emphasis to E-Capital (SOFTEC, Recife, 2000), European Investment Forum (Europe Unlimited, Berlin, 2000), Angels Investors Conference (Barcelona, 2000) FENASOFT (SEBRAE, Sao Paulo, 2001), Former pour Entreprendre (European Commission, Nice, 2000), Late Stage & IPO Forum (Europe Unlimited, London, 2001);
Founder and member of the jury of the Enterpriser of the Year award;
Founder of the Enterpriser Academy;
Co-author of the "Report on the evaluation of higher education organizations" (National Council for Education);
Founder and chairman of FAP - Oporto Academic Federation.
Curriculum vitae
I - Personal data
Name: Carlos Miguel Vallere Pinheiro de Oliveira;
Date of birth: 18 April 1961.
II - Educational attainment
MBA, Masters in Business Administration, from the Universidade Nova de Lisboa;
Masters degree in Sciences - Urban and Regional Planning, from the Witwatersrand University, Johannesburg.
Science degree (TRP) from the Witwatersrand University, Johannesburg, having achieved a double distinction and seven academic awards, with equivalence to the Urban and Regional Planning degree, recognized by the Universidade de Aveiro.
III - Professional background
Chairman of the administration board of Leadership Business Consulting-Partner;
Deputy chairman of DHV, SGPS;
General director of DHV Management-Consultants (DHV Group);
Director of projects at the Special Project Unit of FBO Consultores (DHV Group);
Member of the Portuguese Parliament elected for the outside Europe electoral list, and of parliament committees for issues on economy, finances and planning, foreign affairs, cooperation and Portuguese communities;
Senior consultant (finalduty assignment) at Andersen Consulting;
Responsible (Associate Partner level) for the Urban Planning Department of MLH & Partners (Johannesburg);
Director of projects (finalduty assignment) at the Development Bank of Southern Africa (Johannesburg).
IV - Complementary activities
Coordination and participation in several studies and projects on consulting matters, in fields such as strategy, organization, information technologies and enterprise telecommunications, and in studies on information society for the European Commission, and on telecommunications, Internet and information society for ICP-ANACOM;
Speaker in conferences on several subjects: telecommunications, information society, quality management, geo-strategy, transport & logistics, marketing;
Participation in several courses in different topics: electronic trade, outsourcing, strategic management, financial management, leadership of professional service enterprises, organizational change, logistics, professional training of instructors (Lisbon, Madrid, Barcelona, Harvard, Nienrode, Stellenbosh, London);
Author of "Um Mundo em Metamorfose" published by Bertrand;
Author of several articles, either academic, technical or political;
Member of several professional institutions, namely founder and first chairman of the Association of Young Portuguese Businessmen and Professionals of Austral Africa, chairman of the Regional and Urban Planning Students Association, co-founder of the academic magazine Mould, member of the direction board of the Portuguese Students Association (public relations) of the Witwatersrand University.
Curriculum vitae
I - Personal data
Name: Maria Alexandra dos Santos Vilela
Date of birth: 9 May 1967
II - Educational attainment
Sociology degree from the Universidade Nova de Lisboa, final classification 14, academic year 1988-1989;
III - Specific instruction
Course on Information Systems Performance and Planning, INA;
Course on European Integration and Maastricht Treaty, INA;
Course on Project Conception and Management, INA;
Course on Management Planning and Control, INA;
Course on Urban Rehabilitation and Requalification, scientific and pedagogic orientation;
CIDEC/ISCTE, training at the Municipal Council of Almada;
IV - Professional background
Managing director of the priorities "Qualification for a modern Public Administration" (Employment, Training and Social Development Program) and "Open State - modernizing the Public Administration" (Information Society Program) - EAGIRE - AP - III Community Support Framework;
Detached national expert working at the European Commission - DG Employment and Social Affairs (European Social Fund / Portugal);
Assessment division chief (Directorate-General of Regional Development);
Monitoring of programs within CSF I and II at the Directorate-General of Regional Development;
Senior executive of the 2nd grade (trainee), Monitoring and Assessment Department, Ministry for Planning;
Senior executive of the 2nd grade, Directorate-General of AnimalHusbandry, Ministry for Agriculture;
Assistance in the management of the African Swine FeverEradication Program;
V - Complementary activities
Instructor of professional training courses in the fields of Human Resources and Public Relations (A. Silva & Silva) and of Communication Organization, Management and Circuits (Timesharing);
Participation in the research study "Attitudes and behavior of leaders of the transformation industry in the sight of technological and organizational innovation", Sociology Department of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa.