Joint Order no. 215/2002, of 20 of March

Ministérios do Equipamento Social, da Economia e da Ciência e da Tecnologia (Ministries for Social Equipment, for the Economy and for Science and Technology)


The Portuguese State has engaged an amount of a maximum of 6 million euros (economic conditions in 2001) for the telecommunication programs of the European Space Agency (ESA), for the period from 2001 to 2005, being the payment of these amounts  a responsibility of ICP – ANACOM.

The recent strategic considerations developed by the ESA executive board and the Joint Communication Board (JCB) have resulted in the new Long Term Development Plan, which involves the time frame extension of the plan currently in force, as well as a considerable improvement in the package of activities and projects to be developed, an improvement deemed indispensable for the preservation of the competitive position achieved by Europe in the scope of this very important area of aerospace applications.

The mentioned improvement in the package of activities and projects comprises the period from 2002 to 2006, and involves an additional financial effort of 1500 million euros from the Member States for the period concerned.

The industrial policy rules in force in the ESA ensure that a substantial part of the financial contribution of Member States for telecommunication programmes revert to the development of the scientific and industrial capabilities of these Member States, in the form of industrial contracts.


Having regard to the relative capabilities of the Portuguese industries in the telecommunications field, including the applied R&D capabilities, and the need of improvement thereof;

Having also regard to the GDP of Portugal, in the whole of the member countries of ESA (around 1,5%), it is justified the increase of Portugal’s financial effort demanded by the Telecommunication Program Long Term Plan, at a level not lower than 0,5 of the global value, which is equivalent to 7,5 million euros, to be carried out in the period from 2002 to 2006.

In view of the foregoing, the following is hereby determined:

1 – The amount of the increase of Portugal’s participation  for the financing of the Telecommunication Program Long Term Plan of the ESA, to be carried out in the period from 2002 to 2006, is set at 7,5 million euros.

2 – The amount of the participation to which the previous paragraph refers shall be assured by ICP – ANACOM.

28 February 2002. For the Minister for Social Equipment, Rui António Ferreira Cunha, Assistant Secretary of State and for Transports. – The Minister for the Economy, Luís Garcia Braga da Cruz. - The Minister for Science and Technology, José Mariano Rebelo Pires Gago.