Ministério da Economia (Ministry for the Economy)
Administrative Rule
Administrative Rule no. 144-A/2003 of 10 February approved the fees applicable to radiocommunications.
The entry into force of that administrative rule launched a transition process, according to which a new methodology shall be applied on a phased basis, thereby contributing to a more effective use of the radioelectric spectrum.
Within this context, aiming at ensuring the mentioned transition, some amendments to the values of public radiocommunications fees should be promptly carried out, in the scope of the land mobile service.
New fees are also established hereby, regarding the exercise of the land digital radio broadcasting in the LH (long wave), MF (medium wave) and HF (short wave) bands.
The Government, through the Ministry for the Economy thereof, and pursuant to paragraph 7 of article 19 of Decree-Law no. 151-A/2000 of 20 July, hereby orders as follows:
1. The amendments of the amounts of the fees applied in paragraph 2, “Public Radiocommunications”, paragraph 2.1, “Land mobile service”, paragraph 2.1.1, “UHF bands (decimetric waves)” all of Administrative Rule no. 144-A/2003 of 10 February, are hereby approved, to enter into force in the beginning of the second half of 2003. The mentioned amendments are comprised in the chart in annex to this administrative rule and are integral part thereof.
2. To paragraph 2, “Public Radiocommunications”, paragraph 2.11, “Land digital radio broadcasting”, paragraph, “LH (long wave), MF (medium wave) and HF (short wave) bands” are added the fees comprised in the chart in annex to this administrative rule, which are integral part thereof.
3. This administrative rule shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication.
The Minister for the Economy, Carlos Manuel Tavares da Silva, on 28 August 2003.
(see the original document)
(only available in portuguese version)
(The information provided belongs to Diário da República)