BWA frequency auction - applications close 17 December

ANACOM has announced that it will proceed with the allocation of rights of use of frequencies in the 3.4 to 3.6 GHz and 3.6 to 3.8 GHz bands for the development of publicly available wireless broadband applications (BWA). The allocation of these rights will be conducted by auction, with the aim of encouraging the entry of new operators into the broadband market and contributing to a reduction in info-exclusion in certain areas of the country.

The period allowed for the submission of applications ends on 17 December, after which date no further applications will be accepted.

The auction process and the respective regulation, previously submitted to public consultation, is available on ANACOM's website at www.anacom.pt, where other related information can also be found.

ANACOM published notice of the auction in the national press (Diário de Notícias, Jornal de Notícias, Diário Económico and Expresso), as well as in the magazines of the national associations (Associação Nacional de Municípios Portugueses, Associação Industrial Portuguesa and Associação de Empresas de Construção e Obras Públicas). At an international level notice of the auction was placed in the magazine Policy Tracker.
