Postal traffic falls by 3.1% in the 3rd quarter

The total traffic of postal services fell by 3.1% in the 3rd quarter of 2013. Year on year, there was a reduction by 4.8%. The express mail service, which represents 4.7% of total traffic, decreased by 4.1% compared to the preceding quarter and increased by 8.4%, year on year. Traffic not included in express mail, which represents the majority of traffic (95.3%) decreased by 3.1% compared to the preceding quarter and 5.4%, year on year. Around 93.4% of this traffic is covered by limits of the universal service and around 53.4% corresponds to bulk mail.

Of the total number of objects distributed, 95.4% were intended for the national market, whereas the remaining 4.6% were distributed to other countries.  Around 95.9% of postal traffic concerns postal items, direct mail and editorial mail. Postal parcels represent 4.1% of total traffic.

The Grupo CTT has a share of around 94.7% of total postal traffic.

As far as express services are concerned, CTT has a market share of 29.3%, and alternative providers together make 70.7% of the market. There are five companies (Chronopost, Grupo Rangel, General Logistics Systems, DHL and Grupo SEUR) holding individual traffic shares above 5%.

In the period under consideration, revenues from postal services amounted to 172.1 million Euro, of which 40.9% concern express mail.

There were 14.9 thousand workers allocated to the operation of postal services. A decreasing tendency in the volume of jobs in the sector has been observed, although the reduction occurred is less than proportional to the reduction of traffic.

The postal capitation reached 20.7 postal objects per capita.

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