Critical factors for success

The fulfilment of ICP-ANACOM's mission and the realization of its ambition (vision) requires - in addition to respecting the values and principles that characterize the organization - the identification of a set of critical factors for success and the resulting strategic objectives and priority courses of actions to be concluded during the three year period of 2010-2012.

ICP-ANACOM's critical factors for success are:

Orientation and focus on results

The performance and the accomplished results vis-à-vis the most relevant stakeholders - particularly, the promotion of open and competitive markets as well as the protection of the rights of users and citizens in general - have to be monitored, and the resulting information must be properly used to define and  to review strategic objectives, actions and goals.

The coming three year period challenges this orientation due to the unavoidable need to adapt regulatory models to new technologies and to the progressive adoption of the principle of technology neutrality. In this context the emergence of Next Generation Networks and the deepening of convergence will redefine the key challenges to regulation, including the management and allocation of spectrum and of increased needs for supervision.

Organizational efficiency

Results cannot be disconnected from the resources used to achieve them. In this context, it is important to improve the management, the structure and the processes regarding the activities developed by the Regulator, aiming at the extinction of Inefficiency X, basing decisions on information provided by the performance monitoring system.

In this respect, and considering the deficient methodological approaches available to optimize the management of organizations like ICP-ANACOM, an increased effort is necessary to identify internal organizational types and goals to be achieved. This effort's success will largely depend on the capacity to assume internal organizational changes, and to discontinue routines that have no necessary purpose.

At another level, ICP-ANACOM will continue to undertake measures to increase energy efficiency and environmental sustainability.

Change management, learning and continuous improvement

In order to increase its agility, it is paramount that ICP-ANACOM is aware of the need for change, to have people continuously committed to managing and supporting the transformation process and to reinforce and recognize the progress achieved according to established schedules and goals.

People management

People have a crucial role in the accomplishment of the results and excellence which the Regulator is seeking. The main challenge that managers face is to manage people so that they enhance their abilities and make ICP-ANACOM's goals their own, in a context of project work, team action and greater flexibility, requiring a permanent training plan.

Consistent integration in the development of the European Union's regulatory process

Besides the fact that is an undeniable requirement that national regulations contribute to the development of the European internal market, these are permanently marked by mandatory and binding decisions that hold sway over all domestic decisions.

In view of the technology and institutional changes with major impact on the final articulation of the designated ''2006 Review'', with profound reflexes on the definition and functioning of markets, and as a consequence, on the regulatory approaches, ICP- ANACOM's active participation in European fora, particularly in all IRG/ERG's activities and institutional developments, guarantees the potential for a permanent update of its capacities, especially in contributing to the creation of a common purpose.