Quality of service parameters and performance targets for the universal postal service - consultation

By determination of 1 August 2014, ANACOM has approved a draft decision on setting the quality of service parameters and performance targets associated with provision of the universal postal service, to apply in the 2015-2017 three-year period.

In accordance with paragraph 1 of article 13 of Lei Postal (Postal Law), ANACOM is responsible for setting the quality of service parameters and performance targets associated with provision of the universal service, and is also responsible for defining the rules for measuring, monitoring and reporting these parameters and targets, in consultation with the universal service providers and consumer organisations, pursuant to article 43 of the Law.

These parameters and objectives will replace the Universal postal service’s Convénio de qualidade (Quality Convention) of 10 July 2008, which is in force on a transitional basis, in accordance with paragraph 7 of article 57 of the Lei Postal (Postal Law).

This draft decision is submitted to a prior hearing of interested parties and public consultation, as well as to a hearing of organisations representing consumers, with a period of 20 working days provided for the submission of comments (deadline of 5 September 2014).

Contributions should be sent by email to regime.qos.CTT@anacom.ptmailto:regime.qos.CTT@anacom.pt1. Once the consultation process has been concluded, the contributions received will be made public. Therefore, for the purposes of publication on this website, interested parties should also submit a non-confidential version of their responses excluding any items considered confidential.

On the same date, ANACOM approved a draft decision on the criteria governing the formulation of universal postal service pricing.

1 Each email may contain one or more files as long as the total size of all files does not exceed 10 megabytes and, if necessary, comments may be divided into two or more emails.


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