Welcome message by the chairman of ICP

/ Updated on 10.08.2007

Honourable delegates,

Portugal is now hosting the 24th meeting of the EUTELSAT's Assembly of Parties, at a time when the Organization is adopting a new way of doing business, in an environment of increasingly rapid globalization of markets and, most important, a move towards world-wide liberalization.

EUTELSAT is taking up the challenge of the globalization of satellite communications by creating a more flexible and business oriented structure, which will enable it to move faster and respond quicker to a more and more demanding market, whilst maintaining its European character.

EUTELSAT knows where it is heading for. And that is the reason why I am confident about the success of this meeting of the Assembly of Parties.

Aware of this, allow me to extend a warm welcome to all those participating in the meeting and to wish you all a pleasant stay in our country.

Chairman of ICP

Fernando Mendes