Decree of the President of the Republic no. 11/2005, of 15 February

Published in the D.R. no. 32 (Series I-A), of 15 February.

Presidency of the Republic

Pursuant to article 135, point b), of the Constitution, the President of the Republic hereby decrees the following:

The Amendments of the Agreement relating to the International Telecommunications Satellite Organization (INTELSAT) and those of the respective Operating Agreement, adopted by the 25th Assembly of Parties of that Organization, held in Washington, from the 13th to the 17th November 2000, which were approved, subject to ratification, by the Resolution of the Assembly of the Republic no. 7/2005, on 9 December 2004, are hereby ratified.

Signed on 28 January 2005.

Let it be published.

The President of the Republic, JORGE SAMPAIO.

Counter-signed on 31 January 2005.

The Prime-Minister, Pedro Miguel de Santana Lopes.