
/ Updated on 05.05.2009

2009-2011 Management Plan naturally follows the approach of the former plan, which established a rupture regarding previous plans.

The aim to keep the Management Plan as simple as possible thus stands. It focuses on the actions that are noticeably strategic for the regulator and on the follow-up of their implementation, in order to achieve improved levels of efficiency and efficacy, considering the ongoing evolutions and even the mutations.

We recall, in a summarized way, the mission, vision and values that identify the organization ICP - Autoridade Nacional de Comunicações (ICP-ANACOM), which obviously had no major changes, besides detail changes that indicate the modifications imposed with time.

Resulting from these major lines is a set of critical factors for success, of objectives and of strategic actions that correspond to the Board of Director’s aspirations for the end of the 2009-2011 triennium.

On the last part, the Management Plan contains the (personnel and investment) Resource Plan and the Financial Plan, in which the resources involved in pursuing the objectives and strategic actions set for the triennium and the development of ICP-ANACOM’s remaining activities are identified.

The Management Plan only includes the priority actions, which cannot be postponed and which implementation in the medium run – during the mentioned triennium – cannot be compromised, notwithstanding the fact that other actions may be anticipated which implementation largely depends on the real evolution that comes with the environment of uncertainty involving technology and institutional mutations, with an evident acceleration in recent times, both regarding the spread and the importance of wireless technologies, and specially the development of next generation networks and new access networks.

This option eases, on one hand, the Plan’s follow-up and control, and, on the other hand, it gives ICP-ANACOM’s organization greater focus on the results to be achieved, thus enabling a more objective evaluation of its performance, at the end of each year of the mentioned triennium, and not excluding the broadening of this set of established strategies to potential others that point towards the accomplishment of new objectives.

Recurring activities that are carried out on a daily basis by ICP-ANACOM’s several functional areas, even if they absorb great part of the material and human resources, were excluded from this Plan, being obviously monitored and evaluated, by area, on the Operational Plan, namely regarding the fulfilment of deadlines and the degree of progress of operational indicators versus the established goals. Some of them however, albeit being recurring activities, have an expression in ICP-ANACOM’s regulatory activity that must be registered.

Following the plan for the previous triennium, the current plan tries to improve the quality of the overall activity indicators that were introduced in 2008, which are followed-up every quarter, under an aggressive monitoring that makes it possible to make timely course corrections.