4.3. Rede ADSL PT Offer

Despite the downward trend reported in the number of alternative operator accesses supported over the Rede ADSL PT wholesale offer since the end of 2007, this offer remains an important element in the promotion of universal access to broadband Internet. In fact, it continues to support the retail broadband access offers of a number of OSP, particularly in the enterprise market, enabling provision of integrated offers to customers who have premises located at various sites throughout the country.

At the end of 2012, there were 31 thousand fewer alternative operator accesses supported over the Rede ADSL PT offer, representing an annual reduction of about 12%, but a less pronounced reduction than reported in previous years.

Graph 8. Evolution in OSP accesses supported over the Rede ADSL PT offer

 At the end of 2012, there were 31 thousand fewer alternative operator accesses supported over the Rede ADSL PT offer, representing an annual reduction of about 12%, but a less pronounced reduction than reported in previous years.

Source: ICP-ANACOM based on PTC data.

Since mid-2009, PTC has made the Rede ADSL PT offer commercially available in areas of the wholesale broadband access market designated as competitive, with ex ante regulation only applied in non-competitive areas of the national territory.