Electronic communication services - Statistical Information

By determination of 27 July, ANACOM  approved a decision and 5 draft decisions, concerning a range of statistical indicators that need to be submitted to the authority by providers of electronic communication services.

These indicators cover, nomadic VoIP services, UMTS based services and trunking mobile services, as well as relevant market definition and assessment of significant market power in the rented circuits market, the broadband markets and the low bandwidth switched fixed services market.

As regards nomadic VoIP services, ANACOM has already set out the form covering the range of statistical data that providers of voice services supported by nomadic VoIP technology need to return to the authority by the twentieth day following the end of each quarter. This decision follows the corresponding draft decision, approved by determination of 25 May 2006.

Regarding UMTS based services, and in light of its launch, it's been decided that specific statistical information about the new offers should be collected. A proposal has been prepared on the indicators that should be covered, specifically the number of UMTS users, the number of mobile broadband users and new functions, in particular video calls.

With trunking mobile services, the relevant indicators have been set out since the allocation of licences - 1993 and 1994 - with the exception of the ''networks/fleets'' indicator which was brought in during 2001 in response to market and technological developments.

As regards the rented circuit and broadband access markets, a set of data was requested in order to provide definition and analysis of these markets, following determination of 6 November 2003. Questionnaires have already been put forward as a way of monitoring these markets and periodically collecting a range of data.

Finally, when it comes to the low bandwidth switched fixed services market, following determination of 01 September 2003, the fixed telephone service providers must send ANACOM a range of statistical information about the retail and interconnection services in order to define and analyse the respective markets. They have 6 months from the end of each year to submit their information about that year. Given the developments that have taken place in the meantime and the experience obtained in defining and analysing the relevant markets, the aim now is to change these questionnaires as various alterations have already been made in particular as regards the submission deadline.

Interested parties were notified of the respective determinations - UMTS based services, trunking Mobile Services, as well as relevant market definition and assessment of significant market power in the rented circuits market, the broadband markets and the low bandwidth switched fixed services market - and they were given a period of 10 working days to respond in writing, as set out in articles 100 and 101 of the Rules of Administrative Procedure.

Related information on ANACOM's website: