Meeting of PT Convergence and Economic Analysis drafting groups - Brussels

The drafting group for the document “Report on impact of fixed-mobile substitution in market definition” met last 8 July in Brussels. This group was set up under the BEREC project team (PT) on Convergence and Economic Analysis. The meeting’s main goals were: to present and discuss questions to analyse in the document; to agree on the planning needed to complete the work in line with the set objectives; and to work out the document’s basic structure, determining those responsible for each section of same.

Under the same PT the drafting team of the document “Competition issues related to net neutrality” met last 19 July, also in Brussels. This meeting’s main goals were: to discuss and precisely determine the scope of the document to produce; to analyse drafts of sections already written by the drafters and the possibility of modifying some document sections; and to work out the actions to take in order to finish the work in line with the set objectives.