On 28 July, ANACOM approved the draft decisions on the requests presented, pursuant to article 12 of LCE - Lei das Comunicações Electrónicas (Electronic Communications Law), by the company European Directory Assistance (EDA) for the settlement of a cross-border dispute with AR Telecom, Cabovisão, Optimus and ZON over telephone directories.
EDA is seeking access to the databases of these companies for the preparation of a telephone directory to be included in the integrated Portuguese database, which it can use to provide their Belgian customers with search services covering Portuguese subscribers.
These draft decisions were submitted to the prior hearing of interested parties, under the terms of the Código do Procedimento Administrativo (Administrative Proceeding Code) for a period of 10 working days.
The draft decisions were also sent to the Belgian Institute for Postal services and Telecommunications (the Belgian regulator), for the purposes of paragraph 2 of article 12 of the LCE, according to which “the national regulatory authorities concerned shall coordinate their intervention in order to bring about a resolution of the dispute in accordance with the provisions of article 5, while the decisions taken shall conform with the regulatory framework on electronic communications”.
As part of the cooperation framework provided for in article 7 of the LCE and in article 8 of ANACOM’s Statutes, these draft decisions were also sent to Comissão Nacional de Protecção de Dados (Portuguese Data Protection Authority), so that it may submit comments where it sees fit.
- Cross-border dispute between EDA and Optimus over telephone directories https://www.anacom.pt/render.jsp?contentId=1094247
- Cross-border dispute between EDA and ZON over telephone directories https://www.anacom.pt/render.jsp?contentId=1094254
- Cross-border dispute between EDA and Cabovisão over telephone directories https://www.anacom.pt/render.jsp?contentId=1094256
- Cross-border dispute between EDA and AR Telecom over telephone directories https://www.anacom.pt/render.jsp?contentId=1094257