Electronic communications - regulation costs for purpose of 2014 fees

By determination of 24 July 2014, ANACOM has approved the calculation of the costs of regulating the activity of provider of publicly available electronic communication services, giving a value of 27,953,316 euros.

This fulfils the provisions of Administrative Rule no. 1473-B/2008 of 17 December, as amended by Administrative Rule no. 296-A/2013 of 2 October, and the provisions of Lei das Comunicações Eletrónicas (Electronic Communications Law - Law no. 5/2004 of 10 February as amended and republished by Law no. 51/2011 of 13 September, with subsequent amendments).

It was likewise decided to contract the provision of services to audit providers of electronic communications networks and services which, in 2013, reported more significant levels of relevant revenues and operators reporting larger variations in values (compared to 2012).
