Electronic communications - review of cost of regulation fees 2013

By determination of 28 August 2014, ANACOM has approved a revision of the value of the costs of regulating the activity of provider of publicly available electronic communications networks and services in respect of 2013. The value is revised from 24,478,856 euros to 27,953,316 euros as a result of increased costs incurred through provisions, which rose from 1,809,270 euros to 5,825,627 euros.

The value of the t2 contribution percentage for 2013 was also revised, from 0.4880 percent to 0.5575 percent.

It was also decided to conduct further settlement of the annual fee payable by the suppliers of publicly available electronic communications networks and services with respect to 2013, with a value of 3,474,460 euros, in accordance with the relevant revenues calculated following auditing and as approved by ANACOM determination of 21 November 2013, with the new t2 rate of 0.5575 percent.

ANACOM also approved the report of the prior hearing to which the corresponding draft decision of 12 June 2014 was submitted.
