ECC WG NaN meeting - Sophia Antipolis

The ECC Working Group on Numbering and Networks (WG NaN) met last 21-23 April in Sophia Antipolis, France, at the invitation of the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI).

This working group counts participation by the national regulatory authorities (NRAs) and debates issues of common interest concerning numbering, such as development and harmonisation of national and international numbering plans in Europe. It also draws up reports, recommendations and decisions, and is responsible for assessing the impacts of technological developments on regulation.

The following documents were approved at the meeting, after public consultation:

  • Recommendation ECC (15)02 (Guidelines for Major Changes to National Numbering and Dialling Plans Concerning E.164 Numbers), which revises an old recommendation from the European Committee for Telecommunications Regulatory Affairs (ECTRA) that indicates directives needed to implement more far-reaching change to the national numbering plan;
  • Recommendation ECC (15)03 (Provision of Comparable Information on Retail Internet Access Service Quality), which indicates a set of parameters to measure so that the quality of internet access service can be compared at national level.

The following document was also approved for public consultation:

  • ECC Report (Third Party Use of NP Data), which identifies the need and usefulness of making information on ported numbers available so that communications routing can be more efficient and also to enhance rate transparency at user level.

These documents will soon be available on the CEPT website at: Working Group Numbering and Networks

The next meeting of this working group will take place in October 2015.