Results of 25th BEREC plenary

The Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) held its 25th plenary session on 10 and 11 December 2015 in London, United Kingdom. The plenary was chaired by Fátima Barros, Chair of BEREC and Chair of ANACOM's Board of Directors.

The plenary elected Sébastien Soriano (ARCEP, France) to the office of Chair in 2017 (and Vice-Chair in 2016) and Angelo Cardani (AGCOM, Italy) and Henk Don (ACM, Netherlands) as Vice-Chairs in 2016. In the coming year, BEREC's leadership will also include Wilhelm Eschweiler (BNetzA, Germany) as Chair and Fátima Barros as Vice-Chair.

The following documents were approved for publication during the meeting:

A public presentation was made of the results of the plenary on 16 December in Brussels.

Further information: