Wholesale broadcast market for delivery of content to end-users - withdrawal of draft decision

By decision of 23 December 2015 and pursuant to the Community notification procedure, ANACOM has decided to withdraw the draft final decision concerning the Wholesale broadcast market for delivery of content to end-users (market 18), as regards the definition of product and geographic markets, assessment of significant market power (SMP) and imposition, maintenance, amendment or withdrawal of regulatory obligations, approved by decision of 17 November 2015.

This decision to withdraw the draft final decision stems from the European Commission's communication of 17 December 2015, in which it expressed serious doubts about the draft's compatibility with Community law, under the terms of the Framework Directive (article 7, paragraph 4 and article 7A, paragraph 1).

It was likewise decided to notify this decision to the European Commission, the Body of European Regulators of Electronic Communications (BEREC) and to interested parties.
