Electronic communications services - new revision of 2015 fees

By final decision of 16 February 2017, ANACOM has approved (i) a review of relevant revenues reported for 2014 (ii) a review of the t2 contribution rate for 2015 and (iii) an additional settlement of fees payable by suppliers of publicly available electronic communications networks and services, in respect of 2015, due to a correction of the value of the relevant revenues reported by MEO -Serviços de Comunicações e Multimédia (MEO) based on the final amounts of the net costs of universal service of financial year 2014.

The downward correction of the value of relevant revenues reported by MEO, based on the final amounts of the net costs of universal service of financial year 2014, is reflected in a decrease in total relevant revenues for Tier 2 companies - suppliers of electronic communication networks and services - impacting the value of the t2 contribution percentage. The percentage, in 2015, is increased from 0.6209% to 0.6213%.

The new t2 percentage determines an additional settlement (9,443.60 euros) of the annual fee payable by suppliers of publicly available electronic communication networks and services in respect of 2015; ANACOM will apply this procedure immediately.


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