63rd meeting of the Radio Spectrum Committee - March 2018

The 63rd meeting of the RSC of the European Commission (EC) took place last 14 March in Brussels.

The following stand out among the matters discussed:

1. Extension bands in 1.5 GHz

The EC presented a revision of the proposed implementing decision modifying Decision (EU) 2015/750 on harmonisation of the 1452-1492 MHz band for the provision of electronic communication services in the Union, based on CEPT Report 65.

After revision of the text, with modification of recital 16 concerning the biannual report on national measures meant to strengthen coexistence of services in adjacent bands, the EC asked for the opinion of the RSC, which voted in favour of the draft decision. Germany and the Netherlands abstained.

2. Internet of Things (IoT) in the 874-876 MHz and 915-921 MHz bands

The EC presented a revised draft Commission implementing decision on harmonisation of spectrum for usage by short range devices in the 874-876 and 915-921 frequency bands.

The revisions of editorial nature were meant to make things more clear; they did not concern the balanced approach to reconcile all the different interests expressed by the member states and interested parties.

Comments were requested, to be submitted by 23 March. Plans call for the final draft decision to be presented to the RSC for voting during the next meeting, scheduled for July 2018.

3. IoT in the 900 MHz and 1800 MHz bands

The EC presented the draft text modifying Decision 2009/766/EC on harmonisation at European Union level of the 900 MHz and 1800 MHz frequency bands in support of IoT applications, based on the final results of CEPT Report 66.

The proposed decision was unanimously approved by the member states.

4. Mandate for CEPT to study spectrum for trains

The first draft mandate for CEPT was presented, with the aim of identifying and harmonising frequency bands for the future railway mobile communications system (the successor of GSM-R).

The following are indicated as priority bands:

  • 874.4-880 MHz and 919.4-925 MHz;
  • 1900-1920 MHz.

The aim is to finalise the mandate at the next RSC meeting (RSC#64), scheduled for this coming 11-12 July in Brussels.