Contact Network meeting - May 2018

Lisbon hosted last 15 May a meeting of the ERGP Contact Network, the aim being to prepare for the next ERGP plenary meeting.

This session served to debate the work carried out by the ERGP subgroups, specifically regarding questions involving prices, evolution of universal service, postal network access and monitoring of market developments in terms of statistical indicators. Note the discussion about the work carried out by the Cross Border e-Commerce Parcels Delivery subgroup, in the scope of cooperation with the European Commission on implementation of the regulation for cross-border parcel delivery services.

Also discussed was the ERGP's working programme for 2019, now being prepared, with a view to preparing a final version that will later be submitted to public consultation. A first draft of the ERGP Stakeholders Forum programme was likewise presented; it will be held this September in Brussels and focus on matters of general interest for the sector.