ANACOM submits draft regulation for consultation on requirements applicable to communications companies in order to guarantee equivalent access and choice for end-users with disabilities

ANACOM has submitted a Download file draft regulation to consultation on requirements applicable to communications companies in order to guarantee equivalent access and choice for end-users with disabilities.

The draft regulation sets out measures to ensure that end-users with disabilities:

a) have access to electronic communications services, including respective contractual information in accordance with articles 120 and 123 of LCE - Lei das Comunicações Eletrónicas (Electronic Communications Law), on terms that are equivalent available to the majority of end users; It is

b) benefit from the same choice of companies and services as are available to the majority of end users.

This draft regulation aims to establish requirements which ensure that, in the provision of publicly available electronic communications services, companies provide end users with disabilities with effective access to services under conditions with are equivalent to those available to other end users, particularly with regard to access to contractual information, communications and billing, service, access equipment and affordable software and tariffs.

Interested parties have 40 working days to respond, in writing and in Portuguese. Contributions may be sent up no later than 15 November 2023, by email to

Once the consultation process has been concluded, the contributions received will be made public. Therefore, for the purposes of publication on this website, interested parties should also submit a non-confidential version of their responses excluding items considered confidential.
